Chapter 17

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Y'all wanted Athena's P.O.V so here it is is.

*Athena's P.O.V*

Aria seemed to be awfully quiet after discovering the playroom. I cursed Adonis for leaving the door unlocked. It was supposed to have been locked ever since our last little had left. Apparently he had been in there recently and forgotten to lock it back.

When I led Aria into the living room, I shot Adonis a look that must have screamed that he was in trouble because he choked on his drink. He cleared his throat after a moment and I could see out of the corner of my eye Aria looking at him with concern.

"I'm fine, I'm fine," He waved his hand to dismiss her concern. "I'm going to clean up," he muttered as he looked down at his now soaked shirt. He stood up, walking past us as his pointer finger gently tapped my elbow discreetly. It was a signal we had come up with when we needed to talk without others knowing.

"Would you like anything to drink?" I asked Aria who was looking around our living room. She turned her gaze to me, her brown eyes darting from me to our bookshelf.

"Can I have some water or tea?" Aria asked politely.

"Iced tea?" I questioned, earning a small nod from her. Her eyes were still focusing on the books that rested on the bookshelf. "You're welcome to read any of the books on the bookshelf," I informed her. My words seemed to release her from a sort of spell as she darted over to the bookshelf.

I smiled softly at her excitement before I left the living room. Adonis was standing right outside of the room and followed me down the hall to the kitchen. I started working on making the tea, ignoring him waiting right behind me.

"What have I done now? I got rid of the body, I didn't leave it there like last time," he muttered as he wrapped his arms around my waist. He pressed a kiss to the back of my neck as a peace offering to make me forget my anger.

"You left the playroom unlocked," I hissed as I spun around to face him. He held his hands up in surrender as he tried to process my words. "Aria saw it," I informed him. He seemed to pale at my words, his tan skin taking on a more waxen complexion.

"Did she ask about it?" Adonis asked. I turned back to watch the water boil, dropping the tea bags in.

"Not yet," I answered with a small frown on my lips. "You're lucky on that part because if she asks then you get to explain," I told him.

"That's not fair," Adonis whined. "Besides she likes you more," he muttered.

"I wasn't the one who made the mistake," I said plainly. "This could ruin everything Adonis," I said softly. He hummed softly as he pressed another kiss to the back of my neck in apology.

"At least it can ease us into explaining if she asks," he offered simply.

"Hmm yes as it's very easy to introduce someone to age regression. Such a genius," I said sarcastically as I rolled my eyes. He chuckled softly at my words as he turned me around.

"Am I forgiven for not locking the door?" he asked. I shook my head, pausing when he kissed me. I melted into the kiss before pulling back after a bit.

"You're forgiven, now go on and get. You need to change your shirt," I said as I pushed him away. He grinned after a moment as he leaned in and kissed me again before leaving. I rolled my eyes as I turned my attention back to the tea.

When I had first met Aria, I had never intended to introduce her into the world of age regression. It was supposed to be a simple friendship as I had no intention of having another little. However as our friendship evolved, I couldn't help but notice that she was perfect little material. Adonis had noticed as well and although he encouraged it, I could tell he was very much hesitant about the idea.

Now though, it seemed that he was okay with the idea of introducing her into the idea of age regression. Maybe because it was his fault that she had found the playroom in the first place or because after today he could see the benefit of having a little again.

I turned the stove off absentmindedly, letting the pot of tea sit there for a moment as I got out a pitcher. I put sugar into the bottom of it before going to remove the tea bags from the pot of tea, ignoring the burning from the hot tea as I tossed the tea bags away. I went back to the tea pitcher after picking up the pot of tea, carefully pouring the tea into it.

Once the tea was in the pitcher, I added water before mixing it up. I made sure the sugar dissolved fully before getting out a glass to put ice in it. I filled the cup up about halfway with ice before adding the tea, watching the ice melt and cooling the tea before adding more ice.

I carried the glass back to the living room, pausing in the doorway. Aria had sat down in front of the bookcase and her back was to me. She was clearly deeply interested in a book that she had picked up, not even noticing when I approached her.

"Aria," I said, snapping her out of her concentration. She looked up to me, closing the book after a moment. My hand shook and I nearly dropped the glass when I saw the book that she was holding. She seemed oblivious to my shock and took the glass from me. The fact that she asked no questions and just opened the book back up to keep reading didn't help with my shock.

The book she had in her lap wasn't even supposed to be down here. It was supposed to be in my office upstairs, locked away from prying eyes. Yet somehow she had managed to find the book that Adonis and I had bought to learn more about age regression, the same book that we had written little notes in the margin of.

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