Chapter 27

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*Aria's P.O.V*

I'm already in Athena's car by the time that she gets halfway down the steps. I buckle myself into the passenger seat, looking at Athena with excitement. Athena walks over to the car and opens the passenger door.

"We go?" I ask as I look up at her, my eyes wide with the thought of having a lot of ice cream to eat. Athena chuckles as she crouches down, looking me in the eyes.

"You aren't going to bring a change of clothes or anything? Not even your llama toy and your elephant blanket?" she asks and I frown at thought, suddenly remembering that I hadn't grabbed them on the way out.

"You go get?" I ask after a moment, a small smile on my lips. Athena rolls her eyes with a soft smile on her lips which makes me pout slightly. Why would she roll her eyes at me? I was just asking her to get them since she wasn't in the car yet. I frown as I move to unbuckle myself, freezing when Athena grabs my arm slightly.

"How about we make Adonis get them? Doesn't that sound better to you?" Athena asks and I nod after a moment, deciding that that was a very good option since it meant I didn't have to try and rebuckle myself up or go up those stupid steps.

"Yeah, make Addy do it," I nod my head with a smile on my lips. Athena runs her fingers through my hair after a moment and I lean into her hand with a smile.

"Adonis, can you get her llama toy and elephant blanket?" Athena calls up the stairs as Adonis is making his way down them. I hear him groan before he turns around, stomping back up the stairs.

"He silly," I inform Athena who nods before she straightens up, shutting the car door and going to get in the driver's seat.

"I will warn you that you will not be getting a whole lot of ice cream. You can have some but I would like for my home to not be torn apart by a hyperactive little girl," Athena says. I pause at that, looking at her with a frown.

"Maybe I ride with Adonis then?" I suggest going to open the door of the car.

"He won't let you have all the ice cream you want either. We both like having our home standing," Athena informs me which makes me throw myself back against the seat, groaning dramatically.

"You mean to Aria," I state as I cross my arms over my chest, pouting slightly.

"If I was mean I wouldn't let you have any ice cream but I am letting you eat some so I think you should be a little nicer to me," Athena says with a small smile on her face as she starts the car.

"Put your seatbelt on missy," I say sternly as I look at her, not believing that she wasn't wearing it already.

Athena raises an eyebrow at my words but does as I say, buckling herself in. I can tell she wants to say something about what I said but she seems to decide not to, shaking her head slightly as she starts to back up the car.

"What about Addy?" I ask, kind of confuzzled on why he wasn't with us.

"He has his own car, little one. How do you think that he got here?" Athena questions which makes me pause as I think about her question for a minute.

"He walk?" I suggest which makes her smile.

"Good guess sweetheart but no, he did drive here. Maybe one day we can make him walk all the way to your apartment and then back home?" Athena says with a small smirk and I nod my head quickly in agreement.

"Yeah, that would be really funny," I nod my head in agreement with a small smile on my lips.

"I agree," Athena says as she turns on the radio, letting the music play. I close my eyes as I listen to it, trying to pull my legs up into my seat. I rest my head on the car door and I feel myself start to drift off to sleep.

When my eyes open, I am in heaven. That's what it feels like anyways with all of the stuffed animals that are around me. There's a ton of different animal stuffies, enough to fill a zoo probably. I grab one, looking at the lamb stuffie with a small smile as I look around the room.

The walls are a light blue color that has a forest scene that is painted on them. I tilt my head as I look at the deer that is painted on the wall since it almost looks like it is looking at me. I wave at it as I swing my legs off the bed. The blanket is a dark blue one and the carpet is a green color. I run my feet over the carpet, giggling as it tickles my feet slightly.

"Did you have a good nap sweetheart?" Adonis's voice startles me a little bit and I flinch slightly, looking towards the sound of his voice. He is standing in the doorway, almost leaning against it. I hadn't expected to see him yet, I was still sleepy and I kind of want to go back to bed.

"I sleepy Addddy," I whine as I rub my eyes, hearing him chuckle as he makes his way over to me. I huff as he picks me up, resting me on his hip. I hide my face into his neck and refuse to move as I feel him walking out of the room.

"I thought you wanted ice cream, little miss Aria," Adonis says and I pout. That was true, I did want ice cream but I was also very sleepy.

"You feed me," I decide after a little bit and I hear him chuckle.

"I think I can manage that," he says and I hum happily, glad he had been so agreeable. I think I was starting to like him more than Athena but I wouldn't tell her that, not yet anyways.

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