Chapter 18

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This is just last chapter but from Aria's P.O.V.

*Aria's P.O.V*

Once Athena gave me permission to read any of the books on the bookshelf, I was instantly over to the bookshelf. I could feel her eyes linger on me before she left and I let out a small breath of relief when she left. I was quite curious about the room I had seen but seeing as no one had offered to tell me anything I supposed I would just find out what it was by myself.

I absentmindedly looked through the bookshelf, finding nothing of interest on the upper shelves. Only when I sat down on the floor to look through the lower shelves did I find something of interest. It was a thinner book that looked like it had been shoved to the very back of the bookcase. It looked like it had sticky notes and new pages stapled in. My curiosity was piqued and I pulled the book onto my lap.

I opened the book carefully, noticing that the pages seemed to be wrinkled as if the book had been read several times before. The book had no title on the outside but on the inside it read A guide to Age Regression. The Do's, Don'ts and everything else.

The words Age Regression seemed familiar. I had stumbled across a few fanfictions that contained a tag that said that but I had never really read them. Well I had read one but that's because Lexi had accidentally sent it to me. She never answered my question when I asked what she was reading but she rarely answered my questions so I wasn't surprised.

I flipped to the first page, surprised to see that there were notes going down the pages, written right next to the gaps that remained around the edges of the page. The handwriting seemed familiar and I tried to place where I had seen it. I realized that the reason the writing seemed so familiar was because it was Athena's writing.

I had seen Athena sign a few things before, mainly because she had a hard time leaving work at her work. I was more familiar with Adonis' handwriting because he took to writing elaborate letters and hiding something to decode them with. He gave me one every time he saw me. The letters weren't anything super important, I think he just liked writing in code. It was fun to decode them so I didn't complain.

I knew when I turned the page that his writing would probably be there and it was. Both of their hand writing seemed to alternate as if they had written notes while reading the book together. I started to read the first chapter, my eyes flickering from the paragraph to their handwriting. My eyes focused on one of Athena's older looking notes that was scribbled into a small space.

Age regression seems to be a lot more than this book says. Charlotte says that her regression is far more complex than how this book describes it. I must admit that I am confused by the whole subject. If I did not care for Charlie so I would have no interest in researching this. However Charlie says this is a big part of her life and so I shall do my due diligence to let her know that I care for her.

A newer looking note was written at the bottom of the page.

I must admit that it feels strange to be the one wanting to introduce someone into Age Regression. It has been so long that I fear I may not be an adequate caregiver. Adonis is even worse, he fears having another little after what happened with Charlotte. I do not even know how to begin this and again I am reminded as to how useless this book is.

I was still very confused even after reading all their notes. Most of them did not make sense and the older ones seemed centered around someone named Charlotte. I must admit that I did feel a small sense of jealousy burning in my stomach as it seemed as if all their attention was devoted to Charlotte.

I was snapped out of my jealousy by Athena calling my name. I took the glass of iced tea from her, noticing that she seemed shaky. I was going to ask but before I could she seemed to snap out of it.

"Where did you get that?" she asked as she stared at the book. I looked down at the book in my lap and shut it after a moment, looking up at her again.

"It was on the bookshelf," I answered as I took a sip of my tea. "It's very interesting," I said after a moment.

"It's private, you shouldn't have read it," Athena snapped and I frowned, putting the book away.

"You said I could read any book on the bookshelf and it was on the bookshelf," I retorted, feeling angry with her for snapping at me.

"It shouldn't have been," Athena muttered with a frown.

"Well maybe you should keep better track of it then if it's so private," I said simply. "I want to go home," I stated. She flinched at my words, seeming startled out of her train of thought.

"Aria, I apologize. I didn't mean to snap at you," she said. I pulled away before she could touch my shoulder, refusing to let her touch me after she had snapped at me.

"I want to go home, Athena," I repeated simply as I raised my chin defiantly. Athena opened her mouth to say something but was cut off before she could.

"I'll get a car ready," Adonis interrupted, easily stepping into the conversation. I looked at him standing in the doorway. "Come with me Aria," he offered and I nodded my head. Athena still seemed upset as I handed her back the glass of tea, hurrying to Adonis who smiled. I followed him out of the room, trying to ignore how much it stung knowing that Athena had snapped at me.

"Your wife hurt my feelings," I informed Adonis who frowned slightly at my words.

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