Chapter 5

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*Aria's P.O.V*

I had been nervous at first to text Athena but she ended up being the one who texted first. It was just a small text, asking me how my day was. I couldn't imagine why she cared so much but she did seem to care a lot. She made sure to ask me everyday and after a week of talking we agreed to meet at a local café on her day off.

I only worked part time so it was quite easy for me to move around my schedule to meet with her. However the day started off bad for me and only seemed to get worse. First of all, I couldn't sleep because I was so excited.

My lack of sleep only seemed to make my anxiety act up more than usual. I was up and down all night, constantly checking the door or checking to see if Lexi was still breathing. I had learned how to do it without waking anyone up after years of the constant anxiety.

On top of that, I suddenly got a very bad headache. I couldn't even look at my phone so I just laid in my dark room with my eyes closed until my alarm went off. I knew that there was no way I was going to recover from my headache in time to meet Athena at the café.

'Hey Athena, I'm really sorry to do this but I don't think I can meet you at the café today. I've got a killer headache right now so can we reschedule?' I texted her quickly, having to narrow my eyes as I had put my phone on the lowest brightness that I could. I put my phone back down, closing my eyes for a moment.

I was startled out of my blissful silence by my phone buzzing slightly. I huffed as I turned over, lifting my phone up. I blinked in surprise when I saw Athena calling me, clicking the answer button as I brought the phone to my ear.

"Hello," I said softly, fighting back a yawn as I rubbed my eyes with the back of my sleeve.

"Hello darling," Athena's voice was soft and I could tell she was trying to keep it down, whether for my sake or for some other reason I was appreciative. "You're not feeling well?" she asked.

"No," I shook my head before realizing that she couldn't see me. "So can we reschedule?" I questioned as a yawn escaped me.

"Of course," Athena said, a small hum escaping her as I heard her rifling through papers before she paused. "Or I could come visit you later, if you're feeling better that is," she suggested. I thought about it a moment before I shook my head slightly.

"I don't know, I rarely invite anyone over to my apartment," I said as I worried my bottom lip between my teeth. I didn't know what she would think about my apartment and I wasn't sure I wanted to find out. I didn't really care if she didn't like it but I always preferred when people liked how I decorated.

"Well then we'll have to postpone our meeting for the next few weeks then, I'll be busy working and won't have any days off," Athena said, sounding upset at the news. I hesitated at her words, a small frown on my lips. I really did want to see her again, she had been really nice and had promised to introduce me to one of her friends who was in the fashion world.

"Okay, you can come over later. I need to take a nap and then take a shower before you come," I said as I sat up.

"Alright darling, how does three o'clock work for you?" Athena asked. It took me a moment to register what she asked but once I did I agreed.

"I'll text you my address and apartment number in a little bit," I told her, getting up to get some Tylenol. I ended up taking four since that seemed to be the only amount of Tylenol that actually helped with my headaches.

"Would you like me to bring you something when I come?" Athena asked.

"Some Sprite would be nice," I answered as I took a sip of the water that was sitting on my dresser.

"Of course, I'll see you at three then," Athena said after a moment. "Good bye," she said.

"Bye, love you," I said and then hung up. I paused when I realized what I said, refusing the urge to slam my face into the dresser. I simply walked out of my room, heading to the front door and unlocking it.

"Where are you going?" Lexi asked as I opened the door, leaving it open as I walked to the railing that surrounded our staircase.

"I'm going to jump," I said as I climbed over the railing, turning around and looking down at the long fall.

"Why?" Lexi asked as she leaned on the railing next to me.

"I just told Athena Adair that I loved her," I said as I frowned.

"Damn, sucks for you," Lexi said as she looked down the stairs. "I don't think a fall from this height would kill you though," she informed me.

"So should I go to the upper floor?" I asked as I looked at her.

"Probably, that is you want to fully commit," Lexi informed me. "Anyways I have to meet someone today, try to be done by the time I get back," she said.

"You're going on a date?" I asked as I turned around, clinging to the railing.

"Wouldn't call it a date," Lexi shrugged her shoulders. "Want to help me pick out an outfit?" she questioned.

"No, my head hurts. I'm going to pass out," I said as I climbed back over the railing, walking straight back into the apartment. I paused to text Athena my address and apartment number before setting an alarm, collapsing into bed. "I hope I die before I wake," I muttered as I buried my face into my pillow.

I groaned when I realized that I was going to have to see Athena today when she came over. I hoped that she would just forget about what I said in the meantime but knew that she probably wouldn't.

Just wanted to let everyone know that this wasn't my original plan for the chapter but I've been stuck with a migraine all day so I decided to right something relatable because I couldn't think of anything else.

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