Chapter 30

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*Aria's P.O.V*

I sit on Ms. Garcia's lap, shifting to get comfortable as I finish eating my ice cream. She had told me that calling her Ms. Garcia was for when I was big. Since I was little she told me to call her Auntie Emma.

"Aria," Athena catches my attention, making me furrow my eyebrows. It looked like she was going to leave the room but instead she opens the door, Lexi coming through it. I squeal when I see her, shying away slightly when I realize I'm being childish.

I notice Athena shares a look with Adonis who gives me a reassuring smile. I know that Lexi probably won't care about me being in someone's lap nor would she probably judge me but I still feel awkward and try to scoot away from Auntie Emma.

Lexi is typing something on her phone, probably replying to one of her friends real quick before she glances at me. I see her eyes lock onto Auntie Emma, her eyes widening slightly in surprise. I glance between the two of them, seeing the way that Auntie Emma is looking Lexi over.

"This is my cousin Lexi," I introduce Auntie Emma to Lexi. Lexi gives me a grateful look because it looks like she's still trying to gather herself enough to talk to Auntie Emma. "Lexi loses the ability to talk around pretty women," I inform Auntie Emma, earning a glare from Lexi.

"Is that so?" Auntie Emma asks, a small smirk on her lips. She gets up, making me huff as I was planning on using her leg as my pillow. Athena sits down on the couch across from me so I move over there, sitting down next to her.

I watch Auntie Emma and Lexi, seeing that Auntie Emma is already holding onto Lexi's hand and talking with her.

"No one can move quicker than Emma once she sees a pretty woman," Athena whispers into my ear, a small giggle escaping me at her words.

"More ice cream?" I ask, holding out my empty bowl to Athena who makes a sound like a sigh as she gets up. She holds out her arms to me but I'm too scared to let her hold me with Lexi in the room. Lexi wouldn't judge me but she would most certainly tease me at every opportunity if I let Athena hold me. Instead I grab her hand, earning a small smile from her as she leads me out of the room.

"I think your cousin is going to get on with Emma just fine," Athena says, making me nod my head. I furrow my eyebrows as I look at her, deciding to ask a question.

"Emma said I could call her Auntie Emma. What do I get to call you?" I ask curiously, making Athena pause. She pulls me closer, smiling down at me.

"What would you like to call me little one? You can call me whatever is most comfortable to you," she says as she crouches down slightly to be closer to my height.

"Even...even Mommy?" I ask hesitantly, making Athena smile. She turns her head and I swear she actually squeals before turning to face me again.

"Of course baby, you can call me Mommy if you want," Athena says as she lifts me up, resting me on her hip. I feel kind of embarrassed but not embarrassed enough to get down.

"Can call Addy Daddy?" I ask, earning a small nod from Mommy as she hums softly.

"Of course. If that's what you would like," Mommy says as she adjusts her hold so that she can look me in the eyes. "Does this mean you would like for Adonis and I to be your caregivers?" she asks curiously, making me furrow my eyebrows as I mule over her words.

"I think so. But I don't know what that all means. I mean I did research but I still don't know what that all involves, just the general gist of it," I admit, earning a small smile from Mommy.

"Well for Adonis and I, we just like to have rules in place mainly for safety. We would give you rules like no going out past the sun setting unless you tell someone, just so we know you're safe," Mommy explains, giving me a reason. I nod my head after a moment, understanding what she meant.

"No go," I agree, earning a small smile from Mommy as she moves her hand to cup my face, kissing my cheek gently.

"You are so good baby, so smart," she praises, making my heart flutter at her words. I like getting compliments, mainly cause I hadn't got a whole bunch when I was younger.

"What are we giving compliments for?" Daddy slides into the room, not wearing any shoes so his socks make him slide all the way over to us. Well almost all the way. He scoots the rest of the way over to us, acting like he was skating

"Because our baby is so smart and deserves all the compliments," Mommy rolls her eyes like it was obvious, making me bounce in her arms excitedly.

"Our baby?" Daddy asks, making Mommy nod as she bounces me.

"Our baby," she agrees.

"Oh goodness, I thought she would never agree and we would grow old and rot," Daddy says dramatically as he tries to scoot closer but ends up slipping and doing the splits. I giggle even more at that, making Daddy huff as he glares at me.

"Not funny," he says simply.

"You're right, it's hilarious," Mommy says. Daddy crawls across the floor, wrapping his arm around her legs and pulling her down to the floor. She falls with me, landing so that I land just fine on her lap. It's clear she's used to Daddy's meanness so I stick my tongue out at him so he knows I'm mad at him for pulling my Mommy down.

"You want to stick your tongue out at me? You think that is a good idea?" Daddy asks, raising an eyebrow. I squeal when he lunges for me, scrambling out of Mommy's hold and abandoning my ice cream bowl as I try to crawl away from him as quickly as I can.

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