Chapter 23

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*Aria's P.O.V*

Athena offered to drive me home which I happily accepted. When I asked where her driver went, she said she had given him the rest of the day off and had called him a ride to get back to work so that he could get his car and go home. I was not going to turn down a chance to ride with the Athena Adair. Plus I wanted to look at the stuff we got. Athena had handed the bag to me and I immediately dug through it

I lifted up the llama toy first, taking off the plastic that was around the pacifier. I carefully put the trash back in the bag, gently petting the llama as I looked at the pacifier. I wanted to try it out but I also felt extremely embarrassed to do so. I looked at Athena who raised an eyebrow when she saw me looking at her.

"The windows are tinted darling, no one can see you. It's just you and me," Athena promised.

"I know that, I just don't want you to see either," I said quietly, making her chuckle. I buckled myself up, nearly pinching my finger on the end of the buckle.

"Why is that?" Athena asked as she turned to look at me. "I've known many regressors who use pacifiers or suck their thumbs, nothing to be ashamed of," she said.

"Yeah but I haven't used a pacifier since I was a baby. It just feels a little weird to me, the whole idea of using one again," I said simply.

"And that is a perfectly okay way to feel Aria, I promise you. Many people feel that way when they start trying to regress," Athena said as she reached over and rested her hand over mine for a moment. "I have to focus on driving so I won't be able to look at you if you turn your head to look out the window. That way you don't have to worry about me staring," she suggested. 

I nodded my head at her words, turning my head to look out the window. I heard the car start before Athena backed the car out of the parking space. My hand kept playing with the llama's fur, hugging it close. It took me a few minutes to work up the courage to stick the pacifier in my mouth.

It felt weird at first as I started to suck on the pacifier but I managed to find a rhythm to it. I still hadn't let go of the llama that was attached to it since it brought me comfort to hold it and play with the fur. Using the pacifier was fine I suppose, it just didn't seem like the thing for me.

I leaned back in my seat, getting more comfortable as I smiled slightly. Athena had put on a playlist to listen to and it was mostly Disney songs. I liked Disney songs, most of them were pretty good. I glanced over out of the corner of my eye, sneakily grabbing her phone.

"Put it back," Athena said. She didn't even have to look at me. "Now Aria," she said, her tone a bit sharper when I didn't put her phone back immediately.

I put it back where it was, a small frown on my lips. Was she angry with me for touching her phone? I wasn't going to do anything, I just wanted to see if she would notice. I really hoped she wasn't angry with me. I sat quietly, putting my llama and my pacifier back in the bag.

I glanced over when her phone lit up and saw that Adonis had texted her. Her eyes were focused on the road and she didn't seem to have noticed.

"Adonis texted you," I said quietly.

"Did he?" Athena asked as she glanced at her phone for a second. "So he did," she mused, sounding rather satisfied for some reason. I hesitantly glanced at her again, seeing a small smirk on her lips.

"Are you mad at me? I wasn't going to look through your phone, I just wanted to see if you would notice and I realized that I may have overstepped," I said quietly. Athena's eyebrows furrowed for a moment before she shook her head slightly.

"No darling, I just don't like when people touch my phone. I'm not angry with you over it," Athena stated.

"Are you sure?" I asked, wanting to double check.

"Aria, I promise if I was angry with you then I would have told you. However I am not angry," Athena stated.

"If you say so," I said quietly as I pulled out my phone, playing on it. I was really addicted to playing a web browser game named Lioden. "Can I name one of my lions after you?" I asked curiously.

"One of your lions?" Athena asked, sounding amused.

"I have a pride of lions in my game, I need to name one of my lionesses and I can't think of a name," I stated.

"So I am a last resort?" Athena asked teasingly, making me pout.

"Fine, if you're going to be like that I'll name her Anthena that way it's kind of similar to your name but not your name," I stated simply as I turned in my seat. I looked out the window as I heard Athena chuckle.

I loved watching the cars go by, it was like they were all zooming past. I wasn't going to play the lion game right now, I would get too distracted if I did.

"Are you pouting because I teased you?" Athena asked.

"No, I would never pout," I said simply, turning my head to stick my tongue out at her. Athena glanced at me and I quickly turned away again.

"Scaredy cat," Athena teased quietly.

"I'm not scared of you, I just thought I saw something interesting," I lied as I crossed my arms over my chest.

"Sure you aren't," Athena stated, making me huff softly.

"Next time I'll keep your coat and not tell you," I muttered.

"What was that?" Athena questioned.

"It's almost like someone is talking to me. Too bad I can't hear meanies who tease me," I said as I smirked slightly, fighting back a smile that threatened to break through.

"Oh is that how we're playing it?" Athena asked. I glanced at her and saw a small smirk on her lips. It sent chills down my spine and made me shiver.

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