Chapter 15

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*Aria's P.O.V*

I was quite excited to add my own painting to Athena's gallery. Once the canvas was put up to me, Athena got out a new set of paintbrushes as well as a palette to put the paint on. I waited slightly impatiently for her to put all the paint on it and quickly took the palette from her when she was done.

"Could you be any more impatient?" she teased as I picked up a paintbrush. I stuck my tongue out at her in response as I tried to think of what to paint. I could feel Athena's eyes staring into my back as I finally put the brush to the canvas. I finally decided to just go with the flow and let the paintbrush do what it wanted.

I started a light outline of a dress with the color pink, forcing myself to ignore the jagged edges. Being a perfectionist had always been my worst trait and so for once I ignored the inclination to immediately fix it. The urge to fix the lines plagued my mind the whole time that focused on the dress. I tried to focus on something else and my mind ended up focusing on Athena.

I focused on her face as I continued to paint. The way her dark brown eyes glittered in the light or the way she had a small beauty mark under the corner of her lower right lip. The same lips that tended to quiver with a hidden smile.

I ended up keeping her face in mind as I started to add a person to the dress. I was not good at drawing people at all. I could draw stick people and that was it. I knew my painting would look ugly compared to Athena's paintings but she wanted me to paint something so I would. I froze when Athena moved past me, her hand resting on my lower back.

My eyes flickered away from my painting and I realized that Athena had started to paint something as well. However she had angled her canvas so that I couldn't see it from where I was standing.

"Eyes to your own painting," Athena said as she passed by me again to return to her canvas.

"You sound like a teacher," I informed her with a small smile on my lips.

"I do not," Athena retorted as she looked up at me. I stuck my tongue out at her, laughing when she rolled her eyes. "So childish," she muttered.

"Thank you, I model my behavior after yours," I informed her. I turned my head away to hide my smile when she raised an eyebrow. "It's the truth," I shrugged my shoulders.

"Bet you wouldn't say that to my face," Athena said. I sat my paint palette down, walking over to her after a moment.

"I mirror my behavior after yours," I informed her. She hummed in thought as she dipped a finger into her paint.

"Is that so?" she asked. I hesitated for a second because I could tell that she was up to something but I couldn't back down now.

"Yes," I nodded my head, stepping back when she suddenly reached out and pressed her paint covered finger against my cheek. I huffed at the cold paint as I looked at her. "Real mature," I said.

"Well you did say that you were modeling your behavior after mine," Athena said. I grinned at her words as I reached over to her paint palette, pressing my entire hand into the paint. Athena tried to pull back but before she could I smeared the paint across her face.

"I really am just like you," I said cheekily, stepping back quickly when she looked at me.

"Hey Aria, did you ever take track?" she asked casually. I was confused about what that had to do with the situation but decided to answer her anyway.

"No, why?" I questioned as she dipped her hand into the paint. I kept stepping backwards as she looked at me.

"You're going to wish you had," she said before she launched herself at me. I squealed as I spun around, taking off running. It was a lot harder to escape her when there was nowhere to run and hide. I ended up slipping and falling but I tripped her up so I was going to ignore the pain in my legs and hands as I scrambled back up.

"Athena we can talk about this," I pleaded as I backed towards the door. Athena paused as she raised an eyebrow. "Please, I have a family. My cousin needs me. She doesn't know how to watch a movie without me there," I said.

"How hard is it to watch a movie?" Athena asked. I was thankful for her question as I kept backing up towards the door.

"I don't know, she can't sit still," I shrugged my shoulders as I reached the door. I fumbled for the doorknob, managing to turn it as she started to walk towards me. I spun around once the door was open and took off running.

I could hear Athena laughing from behind me as I frantically looked around for a hiding place. I ended up rounding the corner of the house just to give myself some more time to find a spot. When I saw Adonis sitting on the porch, I sprinted over to him.

"Your wife is after me," I managed to pant out as I crouched to hide behind the table.

"Does this have anything to do with the paint on your face?" he asked as he took a sip of something from his mug.

"Yes but she started it. I am innocent for once in my life of starting something," I whispered to him.

"How interesting. Athena she's over here," he called when Athena rounded the corner. I glared at him as I scrambled up. I ran my thumb across my face quickly and then smeared the paint that came off onto his.

"Now you're involved too you traitor," I said before I took off again. I heard him laugh as he set his mug down, standing up.

"It's 2 vs 1, do you really think you can win?" he called to me once I stopped at a far away enough distance. I shrugged my shoulders before sticking my tongue and turning to run off.

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