Chapter 21

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*Aria's P.O.V*

Athena sadly couldn't spend the day with me but that was fine. Apparently her job was more important than me. Something I told her when she was leaving and she ended up flicking me in the head for saying.

The good news was that she had left her jacket so it was now mine. It was a black leather coat and so I tried to match it with a white tank top and black skirt. Wearing a black leather jacket might not have been the best idea considering that even though we had just had a storm yesterday it was now 80 degrees outside.

However I was not giving up the opportunity to wear Athena's coat. I had also texted Lexi to see where she was staying. Apparently she had friends, something that surprised me. She had stayed the night with a friend and would be staying there for a few days. So it looked like I had the apartment to myself.

I headed down to the local convenience store, getting a slice of breakfast pizza. It was criminal that I could only get this specific kind of pizza from convenience stores. It was like the company wanted me to have to walk to a convenience store in the middle of the day for it.

I ate as I walked, trying to decide what to do for the day. Even if I couldn't pick something to do, at least I would have gotten some steps in for the day. Once I finished my pizza slice I had made up my mind on what I was going to do today.

I decided I was going to head to the nearest store and browse. My addiction to just looking at stuff in stores and not buying it was bad. It's why Lexi and I had to grocery shop together or have someone else do it. I often put items down and didn't get them because I wanted to wait for a sale and Lexi just tended to forget to buy some things.

I ended the store, starting my aisle browsing when my phone rang. I answered it after I realized that it was Athena.

"Hello," I said simply.

"Hello darling, did I leave my coat at your apartment?" Athena asked.

"Yes," I said simply before I hung up on her. I took a selfie of me, making sure to get the coat in the photo before I sent it to the group chat that both Adonis and her were in. I smiled when the little text on the screen changed from delivered to read.

'I want my coat back' Athena texted me. I frowned at that, looking down at the message for a moment before an idea came to mind.

'Come and find me then. That's the only way you can have it back' I texted her quickly before shutting my phone off. She was not going to be able to find me, I was in the middle of a store in a huge city. The coat would be mine forever.

I continued to wander the aisles, humming softly as I looked over the stuff. The candle aisle was my favorite aisle, although I did always leave the aisle with a headache because of all the smells. They all blended together after a bit.

I paused for a moment at the baby aisle, looking at the very where the bottles were. Athena had told me about how she had cared for someone who had used bottles before. The idea of using a bottle kind of intrigued me. I walked down the aisle slowly, feeling my heart pound in my chest. My mind was screaming at me to not get one, that people would know that it's for me and they would think I was weird.

I picked up one of the bottles, one with Winnie the Pooh on it. I looked at it for a moment before I put it back down, crouching down to look at the other bottles on the shelves. I kept picking them up and putting them down, not able to decide on whether or not I should get one. I stood up, freezing when a hand grazed across my lower back.

"Excuse me sweetheart," the voice sent shivers down my spine and I turned to look at Athena who was smirking at me.

"How did you find me?" I asked simply, my heart still pounding in my chest.

"I have my ways," Athena said simply. "It's interesting that I've found you here," she said. My cheeks darkened slightly with a blush when I realized that she had caught me in the baby aisle.

"Shut up," I muttered as I took my phone out of the coat pocket, tucking it into the waist of my skirt before I took the coat off and handed it to her. "Now leave," I said simply.

"Aria, do you want me to buy you a bottle?" Athena asked softly as she folded the coat to rest over her arm. I whined at her words, wondering if she could talk any louder. There was no one else in the aisle but I was still embarrassed that she asked the question in a normal speaking tone instead of whispering.

"No," I said simply as I went to walk away from her. She grabbed my arm before I could get too far and I looked back at her with a frown.

"Winnie the Pooh?" she asked as she held up one of the bottles.

"I don't want a bottle, Athena," I huffed as I tried to pull my arm out of her grip. She was a lot stronger than she looked.

"I'll get you one just in case you change your mind," Athena said simply as she turned to look back at the bottles, letting go of my arm. I kept walking as soon as I was free, pausing when I turned and saw her still standing there.

I watched from the end of the aisle as she sat the bottle back down, looking at the other ones. I huffed when she picked one up, one that I did not like and walked back to her. "No," I said simply as I took the bottle out of her hands and shoved the Winnie the Pooh bottle back in her hands before walking away. When I glanced back at her, she was smiling slightly.

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