Chapter 35

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*Aria's P.O.V*

Daddy doesn't seem to mind the fact that I've decided to stay in his lap for forever. I mean I hadn't told him that but he hadn't once tried to move me since I got in his lap so I feel like he wouldn't mind if I spent all of my life in his lap. Daddy takes my paci from my hand at one point, pushing it into my mouth. I stare at him in surprise, my cheeks flushing as I'm confused on why he did that.

"You kept looking at your paci, I figured you wanted it," Daddy says as I suck on my paci, looking at him. He chuckles slightly as he taps my nose with his finger, making it wrinkle up slightly in response. I giggle as he does it again, turning my head away as my paci bobs in and out of my mouth.

"I not a baby though, just cause I use a paci! I not," I rush to reassure Daddy, making him chuckle as he kisses the top of my head. I cuddle into him, letting him rub my back as I close my eyes.

"I know you're not a baby, you're just my little girl who occasionally uses a unicorn paci. There's a big difference," Daddy reassures me as he leans back in his seat slightly, letting me lay up against him. I stare up at him, feeling tired even though I just a took a nap not that long ago.

"Daddy," I say, just speaking so that I don't fall asleep. Daddy hums, looking down at me as I reach up to touch his face. My hand rubs against the stubble on his jaw, giggling at how scratchy it feels.

"You scratchy, it feel weird," I inform him, smiling happily as he grabs my hand and presses a kiss to my palm.

"All better?" he asks, making me nod my head after a moment. It was all better now that I wasn't touching his scratchy face.

"Where Mommy?" I ask, making Daddy shift me on his lap. I'm cuddled up to him now even more which confuses me. I don't mind it but I didn't really want cuddles, I wanted Mommy.

"She's busy doing something," Daddy says, being very vague and I don't like that at all. I pout, wondering what she could possibly be doing that was more important than me. I whine softly, wanting her attention and his at the same time. I was their baby, I deserved their attention at all times!

"Nu uh! She not busy. She need to see me, I her baby," I huff softly, burying my face into his chest. My paci nearly falls out of my mouth as I talk so quickly and fast but Daddy catches it, gently pushing it back into my mouth as I pout at him.

"She's just a little busy right now, you'll see her in a little bit. I'll text her and let her know you're waiting on her," Daddy says as he pulls out his phone, tilting the screen towards him as he slowly types. I try to look at his phone but he has the phone tilted in a way that I can't. I pout at him, giving him an angry look as he looks through his phone for a bit. He clicks the power button on his phone a couple times before giving me his phone. I take it, furrowing my brows and smiling when I see that he had put on a cartoon for me.

"'venture time," I whisper as I cuddle into Daddy. I tap the screen, trying to minimize the cartoon so that I can text Mommy from his phone but I can't. I sigh miserably, accepting the fact that Daddy clearly hates me and wants me to suffer. I wiggle to try and get him to lay back more, resting my head on his chest as he works on the computer in front of me.

"'ommy," I whisper, trying to summon the woman as I glance at the door every few seconds. I sigh sadly when my brilliant plan doesn't work. I go back to watching Adventure Time, zoning out as Daddy kisses the back of my head when I settle down. I zone out, barely paying attention when I feel a hand on my arm. The hand moves up my arm and I grumble, swatting it away.

"'top it Daddy," I whine, upset he was interrupting my show.

"Rude! I'm not even the one doing it," Daddy huffs, making me tear my eyes away from the screen. I look at Mommy, squealing when she holds out her arms. She grabs me up into her arms, covering my face in kisses. I nearly drop Daddy's phone and he luckily takes it from me before I can do that.

"Goodness, she was so calm before you came in and ruined it! Now she nearly drops my phone and is a squealing mess," Daddy scoffs as Mommy settles me in her arms, bouncing me slightly. I kiss her face, frowning when I see that she has red paint on her neck.

"Mommy paint without me!" I pout at her, giving her a dirty look as I lean back in her arms to look at her. I give her a dirty look, upset she would do such a thing. Mommy clears her throat, moving to touch her neck and wipe off the paint.

"Sorry baby, we can paint together in a little bit. Mommy just had to work on a special super secret project," Mommy explains. Her words don't soothe me though, instead I just keep pouting at her as I lower my head.

"We can finger paint!" Mommy offers, making me perk up immediately as I look at her with wide eyes.

"Really?" I ask, smiling happily as I bounce in her arms. She nods her head, patting my bottom as I bounce in her arms.

"Okay, I forgive," I say, realizing I had lost my paci at one point in my excitement. I pout at that, upset that I couldn't keep a hold on my paci but happy that Mommy wanted to paint with me and not Daddy. Clearly I was special!

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