Chapter 9

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Translations for this chapter (I don't know Korean but most sources said that these would be the correct translations)-
Eomma- mom
Appa- dad

*Aria's P.O.V*

Athena's hand stayed on my back as Emma looked through the folder. I couldn't really read what her expression said but I hoped that she liked them. Once she finished looking through my folder, she handed it back to me. I smiled nervously as I handed her my sketchbook, looking at it longingly even though it had just left my hands.

"These are brilliant sketches, you've done these all yourself?" Emma asked as she looked at me.

"Sometimes my cousin helps, mainly when I need another pair of eyes," I answered after a moment. She nodded as she turned her attention back to my sketchbook. She hummed softly after she looked through a few more sketches before handing the sketchbook back. That was either very good or very bad.

"You have talent, probably not in sewing but in design you have great potential," Emma said, looking me in the eyes. I felt my heart start to pound nervously as I managed to hold her gaze. "If you're serious about getting into the fashion industry, I need to know that. I won't waste my time if you're not actually serious," she stated.

"I am serious, I promise. I've never wanted anything more in my life then to be a fashion designer," I hurried to answer her, feeling breathless. If this got me my big break, I would forever be in Athena's debt for arranging this.

"Then I want to offer you a job, you'll have to sign a contract before you start," Emma offered. "Do you want the job?" she asked.

"Yes," I nodded my head, biting my tongue to keep from rambling on. I felt like I was going to faint, the only thing keeping me standing was Athena's hand on my back.

"Next week, do you have any days off?" Emma asked.

"Yeah, I have Wednesday and Thursday off," I answered. She pulled out her phone, looking at it for a moment before she put it away.

"Wednesday afternoon, show up at my office and the job is yours. My lawyer will have the contract ready by then," Emma said as she pulled a card out of a hidden dress pocket. I accepted it reverently, my hand shaking slightly. "I trust you understand that I don't want this getting out until then?" she asked, turning her attention to Athena.

"Of course, can't have anyone poach your new designer," Athena smirked, a small smirk on her lips.

"Yes, you've already made that happen once so I would really appreciate you keeping your mouth shut this time," Emma retorted, sounding quite annoyed.

"I apologized and I found you a new one," Athena stated. "You really should thank me," she muttered.

"After a year of me being down one," Emma said. "Should I thank you for all the revenue I probably lost because of you?" she asked. I watched the back and forth between them with confusion. They seemed to not like each other but Athena had introduced me to Emma. She probably wouldn't have done that if they weren't somewhat friends.

"You can never win with you Garcia's," Athena muttered.

"Is that why your family has been in business with mine for so long?" Emma asked. My thoughts paused at their words before I suddenly processed them. However I was quite confused so I didn't really know how to react. It seemed strange to me that they would be in business together seeing as one family was involved with technology and the other family focused on fashion.

"My family is in business with yours because you don't have common sense and are easy to manipulate," Athena said. I felt the tension rising between the two and I felt the need to step away.

"I need to use the restroom, can you hold my sketchbook?" I interrupted, turning my attention to Athena. She seemed to be startled out of her conversation by my question.

"Of course, the restroom is that way," Athena pointed towards the left side of the building.

"I know, there's signs pointing to it," I said with a small grin on my lips as I handed her my folder and sketchbook. Athena took them without another word as I turned and headed to the restroom.

Once I was safely in there, I locked myself in a stall. I sat down, resting my head in my hands. I had never in my life thought today was going to happen. I just assumed fashion was something that I had to do for fun but now I could do it for work. It just felt like everything was going too fast.

"1 breath, 2 breath, 3 breath," I counted slowly as I tried to get my breathing under control. It was something my mother had taught me to do when I was younger and couldn't calm down. It worked for the most part unless I was in the middle of an anxiety attack. Once I calmed down enough that I could think clearly, I stood up.

I unlocked the stall and stepped out, heading to the sink to wash my face. I splashed cold water on my face, looking at myself in the mirror. I froze when I saw Julie standing behind me, a small frown on her lips.

"What do you want Julie?" I asked as I turned to look at her.

"You have some nerve to ask me what I want when no one has seen you for years," Julie asked as she stepped closer.

"I owe you no explanation," I said as I went to move past her. She grabbed my arm, spinning me around to face her.

"You owe Eomma and Appa an explanation at the very least," she said. I looked her in the eyes before I jerked my arm away.

"I had every right to disappear, it's not like you saw me much anyways since I was sent to boarding school," I retorted. "Or did you forget about that?" I asked sarcastically.

"You were the one acting out, Eomma only did that because you left no other option," Julie said.

"How dare you blame me," I hissed as I stepped closer. "Maybe if they didn't neglect to give me attention I wouldn't have had to act out to get it," I retorted as I walked past her, bumping her with my arm. "Stick to violin Julie, you're not good at being a people person," I called back to her as I stepped out of the restroom, immediately feeling anxiety settle back in.

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