Chapter 34

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*Aria's P.O.V*

I wake up, confused about where I am. This bed wasn't mine. It was too big and too soft! I sit up quickly, looking around to see where I am before I relax slightly when I start to remember where I am. Athena and Adonis's house. Or rather, Mommy and Daddy's house.

I look around, pouting when I don't see either of them. I had expected to at least see Mommy, she had put me to bed so she should have been the one to wake me up. I rub my eyes sleepily, whining slightly as I look around to double check she's not there. I move to get out of bed, my leg hitting something hard. I fumble to pick it up, realizing it's the paci that Mommy had given me when I was falling asleep.

It has a unicorn on it, something I appreciate since it matches my pajamas. I wriggle out of bed, holding the paci in my hand as I walk to the door. I open the door, padding out of the room as I look for Mommy and Daddy.  I walk down the hall, pausing to bend down to look under a table. I pout slightly, having hoped that maybe I would have found them in the first hiding spot I looked.

I keep walking, stopping at the stairs as I look around before I think about going down them. I reach for the railing, lifting up one foot to step down before fingers snag the back of my pajamas and pull me back. I startle, nearly falling as I tilt my head back to face a scary looking man. He's very tall, and very muscular, and did I mention tall?

"You shouldn't be going down the stairs without supervision, little one," the man scolds, making me pout. Who was he to scold me? Only Mommy and Daddy could do that! I glare at him, upset that he had stopped my plan to find them.

"Don't need it, want my Mommy and Daddy," I tell him, crossing my arms over my chest as I continue to pout at him.

"They're up here, you have no reason to go downstairs. And I'm sure they will be more than happy to agree that you need supervision," the man says, making me glare at him. I huff slightly, refusing to move from my spot.

"Where Mommy and Daddy?" I ask, trying to look around him. He chuckles, offering me his hand which I look at but don't take.

"Fair enough, I'm sure my little Isabelle wouldn't want to hold hands with some stranger either. Follow me, I'll take you to them," the man says as he starts to walk away.

"What's your name?" I ask, only following him since this was Mommy and Daddy's house. Maybe I was using Mommy and Daddy a lot but it just made me so happy to do that I couldn't help but say it as often as I could. They were my Mommy and Daddy, all mine and I wouldn't stop saying it until I lost my voice.

"Kian. And you are little miss Aria, the newest member of the family and also the little girl that Adonis won't shut up about," Kian says, making my cheeks burn from embarrassment. Daddy didn't talk about me that much...did he?

"Daddy talks about me?" I ask hesitantly, following Kian a little closer to make sure that I don't miss out on anything he is saying.

"Absolutely. He keeps chattering about you to anyone he can get a hold of. Me, his mother, his father, probably the whole extended family in fact," Kian says, making my face burn as I think about that. There was no way Daddy was telling his family about me...was there?

"Is Isabelle your regressor?" I try to bring up the name he mentioned earlier, wanting to change the subject.

"Yes, and she'll be very excited to know that there's another regressor for her to befriend. I mean she's been so lonely since all of the caregivers I know currently don't have regressors," Kian laments, making me purse my lips. Were there that many caregivers? I felt bad that they didn't have regressors.

"Here we are," Kian knocks on the door we've arrived in front of, knocking three times in a very simple pattern but it's enough of a pattern that I understand it.

"Come in," I hear Daddy's voice, making me bounce slightly. Kian opens the door, holding it open for me as I rush inside. I squeal when I see Daddy at a desk, running over to it. I try to jump up onto it so I can crawl across it to get into his arms but I'm not very good at jumping...or anything that involved using my arms to lift myself up. I give up after a minute and run around his desk, going to him and holding out my arms.

Daddy scoops me up, covering my face in kisses which makes me squeal happily as giggles escape me. I felt like I belonged, like this was how my life was meant to be. Daddy bounces me, rocking me slightly as he hums slightly.

"Lookie, Mommy give. Is unicorn," I tell Daddy as I show him my paci. I feel subconscious about the fact that I had used a paci but Daddy doesn't even blink or act surprised in any way. He smiles as he plucks it out of my hand, studying it.

"Wow, it really suits you. Well mostly. I think my little meerkat needs a different paci," Daddy says, making me blink. I briefly remembered ranting to Mommy about meerkats one day, when I was texting her and bored, and trying to convince her that they were the bestest animals ever.

"Mommy tell you?" I ask, making him nod. My cheeks flush as I realize that must mean they talk about me even when I'm not around, something that surprises me since I thought they would be bored of talking about me when I wasn't around me.

"Mommy tells me everything about you, unless it's something that needs to be private. I know my girls need to have their own talks without Daddy, even if I am always left out," Daddy fake pouts, making me giggle as I poke his cheeks. He grabs me, tickling me as I try to squirm away. I don't even realize Kian has left, too happy to spend time with my Daddy.

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