Chapter 31

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*Aria's P.O.V*

Daddy is too fast! Or maybe I'm too slow at, I think the first option is more likely. I barely get down the hall before he scoops me up, resting me on his hip. I pout at him, my pout turning into giggles as he tickles me.

"No fair! 'top it," I whine as I try to push his head away, huffing when he kisses my cheek. I can't believe that he had tickled me and then had the audacity to kiss my cheek. I whine as I reach for Mommy, smiling when she takes me from Daddy.

"No kisses mister," I stick my tongue out at Daddy. He raises an eyebrow, crossing his arms over his chest.

"You can't call me that, I'm your daddy," Daddy huffs as he looks at me, a frown on his lips. I stick my tongue out again before burying my face in Mommy's neck. She rocks me slightly, patting my back.

"He's so mean to my poor baby," Mommy murmurs as she slides her hand down my back, patting my lower back as she rubs small circles.

"Mean daddy," I murmur into Mommy's neck, earning a noise of agreement from her.

"Yes, he is so incredibly mean to you. But Mommy is going to be meaner right now, because we have to talk about rules," Mommy informs me, making me whine as I push against her chest, leaning back to look at her with a frown.

"Rules are 'tupid," I mutter, slipping my thumb into my mouth.

"No they're not. At least not most. A stupid rule would be saying you can't suck your thumb," Mommy says, making me whine as I narrow my eyes slightly. She couldn't do that, I was allowed to suck my thumb all that I wanted.

"I said that it would be a stupid rule baby, not that I was going to give you that stupid rule," Mommy chuckles as she grabs my ice cream bowl from where I had left it on the floor, carrying me to the kitchen. She sets me on the counter as she washes the bowl out, keeping an eye on me as I swing my legs.

"So....rule number one, tell us if something is bothering you," Daddy says, making me look at him. I nod my head, understanding that rule. Well for the most part I long as my feelings weren't hurt because then I would just hide my feelings deep down in a pit.

"Let us know if you go out at night, especially if you're going alone," Mommy continues. "This goes for little and big you, both of those rules do," Mommy states.

"Why?" I ask curiously, watching as she dries the inside of my bowl off. I look at her curiously, wondering why they were rules for when I was little and big.

"Because if you don't communicate how you're feeling, we can't take care of you like we're supposed to and if you're going out, we'd rather know so we can check on you and make sure that everything is going okay," Mommy explains as Daddy gets the ice cream back out.

"Okay," I nod, understanding their reasoning.

"Third rule, don't do anything that could hurt you," Daddy says, making me pout. Doing things that could hurt me was so much fun though, I didn't understand why he would deprive me of that.

"So no more climbing over the railing and standing on the edge?" I ask sadly, a small pout on my lips.

"You've been doing that?" Mommy asks with wide eyes as she looks at me, having let go of the ice cream scoop and is now just staring at me with wide eyes.

"Uh huh, is fun," I say, watching as she facepalms.

"No, it is most certainly not and no, you won't be doing that anymore," Mommy states, making me pout.

"Meanie," I huff under my breath,  earning a raised eyebrow from Mommy. I go quiet, shutting my mouth quickly.

"I think I am going to need you to make a list when you are big, of all the things that you do that are dangerous or put you in danger," Mommy says, making me whine. Lists were stupid, I hated them. Although that was a problem for big me and not little me so that was better than nothing.

"Mommy's a hater," I say, earning a laugh from Daddy. Mommy glares at him and he quickly shuts his mouth, turning his head away like he hadn't. When she glances at me, I look away quickly, looking at the walls like they're super interesting to look at.

"We also need to ask what punishments you're okay with?" Mommy questions, making me look at her with confusion. "While you're little, what punishments would be okay for us to give you?" she repeats the question, trying to clarify so that I understand.

"Would you be okay with spankings?" Daddy asks, making me shake my head back and forth quickly. That sounded like it would hurt and I didn't like getting hurt. "Timeouts? Writing lines?" he questions and I nod slightly to those, deciding that those sounded like the best out of anything.

"See, it's solved," Daddy announces as he hands me my bowl of ice cream, making me smile slightly. "Let's save all of the talking about rules and expectations for when she's big, she'll understand us and that way there won't be any confusion," he murmurs to Mommy as he picks me up, resting me on his hip.

"Ice cream," I show Mommy excitedly, earning a soft smile from her. She coos, brushing my hair out of my face and kissing my cheek.

"I see baby," Mommy says as Daddy sits down in a chair, letting me sit on his lap as I eat my ice cream. It's hard to hold a spoon, I feel all clumsy and my fingers fumble with the metal. Despite my bestest efforts, about half the ice cream I was eating fell on my lap. My clothes were covered in it and I was pretty sure there was some in my hair.

"Definitely need a bib for you little missy," Mommy says, making me giggle as I hit my spoon into the bowl, flinging ice cream onto the table and Daddy as I do so. Daddy sighs but doesn't stop me, just holding me close as I fling ice cream everywhere.

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