Chapter 16

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This chapter is getting posted a little earlier today then planned because I have family stuff later and won't be able to update at the normal time.

*Aria's P.O.V*

I was wrong to think that I could outrun both Athena and Adonis. However in the heat of the moment, I think my lack of planning ahead was inevitable. I could only really run around their house and hide in the art studio before I would eventually get caught. Plus they knew their house and the area around it a lot better than I did.

So I wasn't so surprised when Athena managed to pop out from around a hidden corner and grab me. I struggled against her hold but it was too late. Paint was already smeared all over my face and clothes. Adonis didn't really help either because he just stood and watched once he caught up.

"Traitors, this isn't fair. It's 2 vs 1," I whined as I tried to squirm away from Athena. She let me go after a moment and I stood there pouting.

"You agreed to 2 vs 1 when this all started, now you're just pouting because you lost," Athena said. I stuck my tongue at her, stepping back quickly when she reached out to grab me again.

"You lost brat," she said simply. I huffed at her calling me a brat, looking to Adonis for help. He shrugged his shoulders with a small smile on his lips.

"You lost too, Adonis is the one with the least amount of paint on him," I pointed out. Athena raised an eyebrow as she looked at Adonis.

"Fair point, shall we remedy that?" Athena asked.

"No, I'm not going to help you win," I informed her. I crossed my arms, raising my chin up defiantly. Athena sighed as she walked past me, a small smile tugging at her lips.

"Now Athena, we can talk about this," Adonis said as he started to back away.

"What is there to talk about Adonis? I'm going to win and you're going to lose," Athena said as she launched herself at him. He took off running, Athena right at his heels. I giggled as I watched them until they ran around the corner. I thought about following after them but eventually decided to go around the opposite corner to hide from them. I ended up propping myself up on the railing that went around the back porch.

I wasn't so surprised when Athena and Adonis came around the corner. I was surprised at the fact that Adonis was carrying Athena bridal style and was restraining her paint covered hands from touching his face.

"Aria," Athena said when she saw me. "Help me, he's using his man strength against me," she pleaded.

"I don't want to, you got paint all over me," I pouted.

"You're really going to let a man win this battle?" she asked. I thought about her point for a moment before I ran over to Adonis to help her.

"We're supposed to be on a team woman," he hissed out as he turned around to keep her away from me. Athena managed to get out of his hold, rolling before she hit the ground to land on her knees. She hopped up, shoving him back with her paint covered hands.

"Yeah but I wanted to be on the winning one," she shrugged her shoulders with a small smile.

"Can't trust you women to be loyal," he said, ducking his head when she tried to smack it. "You're not getting paint in my hair," he said.

"Fine, that comment did get you in trouble by the way. I will be telling every woman in your family that you said that," she said.

"What? Do you think my mom is going to fly in from Scotland to smack me for saying that?" he asked.

"Once can hope," she muttered as she rolled her eyes.

"Not to kill the bickering mood that you two seem to be in but the paint is drying and I hate the feeling, can I use your bathroom to wash it off?" I interrupted the two of them before they could get deep into their conversation of bickering.

"I'll show you where it is," Athena offered as she looked at me. I nodded my head, watching as she smacked the back of Adonis's head before she led me to the house. I followed behind her, feeling very aware of the feeling of the dry paint on my face. I could handle wet paint but dry paint just left this horrible sensation on my face that made me want to peel my skin off.

Once Athena led me to the bathroom, I quickly shut and locked the door behind me. I started to scrub my face harshly with the soap and water. I watched as the paint mixed with the water, turning a bunch of different colors before it all mixed together in a dark gray color. Once I was done washing the paint off my face, I checked to make sure there was no paint in my hair. The last thing I wanted to have to do was scrub paint out of my hair.

Once I checked and realized there was none, I let out a thankful sigh. I unlocked the door of the bathroom and left, looking around for Athena. I was bad with directions but I managed to remember one hallway that we came down. Once I ended up in that hallway though I was completely lost. One of the doors had to lead somewhere and so I picked one at random, knocking to make sure it wasn't a bedroom before I opened it.

I was startled by all the bright colored things that decorated the room. It looked like a playroom for a child but everything seemed a lot bigger then a child would need. I looked around in confusion before deciding to just leave, backing out of the room slowly. I froze when I backed into someone, turning around to see Athena standing behind me.

"I got lost," I said quickly before she could get mad at me. She raised an eyebrow, the corner of her lip quirking up slightly.

"Is that so?" she asked.

"Mhmm," I nodded my head quickly, tensing slightly when Athena reached her hand over my shoulder. I heard the door shut after a second and then her hand moved away.

"Might be best to not go into rooms where the door is shut, you might find something you might not like," she said after a moment. I nodded in agreement as soon as she said that, still very curious about the room. I didn't think Athena and Adonis had any children, it had never been mentioned in the news so I wondered if they babysat. I was still pondering that as I followed her back to the living room.

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