Chapter 36

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*Aria's P.O.V*

I bounce happily as Mommy carries me out of Daddy's office, patting my bottom as I snuggle into her. She chuckles when I give her a dirty look when she tries to stop patting my bottom, adjusting her hold on me as I pout at her. I huff softly, missing my paci in the moment as I try to look around to make it magically appear.

"What's wrong baby?" Mommy asks, bouncing me in her arms. I sigh softly, hiding my face into her neck as I continue to pout at her.

"Paci," I finally mumble, making Mommy pause. She double checks she doesn't have it before turning around and going back to Daddy's office.

"Adonis, I can't believe you would steal our babies paci!" Mommy says as she smacks the back of Daddy's head, grabbing the paci that was on the floor. Daddy huff, rubbing the back of his head as he looks at Mommy with confusion.

"What are you on about woman? I didn't take her pacifier, she dropped it," Daddy says rolls his eyes as he snorts slightly. I glare at him, giving him a dirty look for seeming to find my lost paci amusing.

"You're a meanie head! Leave me alone," I cross my arms as I push my face into Mommy's chest, trying my best to stay pressed up against her to avoid any retaliation from Daddy. I grumble as I feel him tug one of my strands of hair, swatting his hand away.

"Don't be mean to my baby! She's just a little baby, you can't be mean to her," Mommy scolds Daddy, the sound of a smack filling the air!

"Stop hitting my head! You're going to give me a concussion," Daddy says, sounding pouty and whiney. I giggle at that, finding it funny how pouty and whiney he sounds. Almost like he's me. I'm the only one allowed to be pouty and whiney after all!

"Stop giving me reasons to smack you in the head and I will stop doing it," Mommy snorts, rubbing my back as she bounces me higher up on her hips. I giggle slightly, feeling her press kisses to the top of my head as she hums.

"Your daddy is an idiot and Mommy will always be mean to him when he's mean to you. Especially when he's stealing your pacis and throwing them on the ground to make them dirty," Mommy huffs as I lift my head up to stick my tongue out at Daddy.

"You do that again and you may lose your tongue you little minx," Daddy says as he huffs, swatting at me but not even coming close to actually hitting me. I giggle slightly, tucking my face back into Mommy's neck as she chuckles.

"My favoritest Mommy in the world," I say as Mommy carries me out of the room, lifting my head up to place a sloppy kiss on her cheek. Mommy chuckles as she furrows her brows, looking down at me with a raised eyebrow.

"I'm your only mommy, thank you very much little miss," Mommy scoffs as she adjusts her hold on me, patting my bottom once. I squirm in her hold, giggling slightly when she raises an eyebrow at my giggles.

"Only mommy for now, gotta collect them all," I roll my eyes as I snuggle into her, earning a soft coo from her. She continues to pat my bottom, rocking me slightly.

"Trying to make me jealous little one? Are you trying to make Mommy jealous?" Mommy asks as she continues to rock me, stopping only just to carry me down the stairs before she starts rocking me again.

"Noooo, don't have to try. Mommy always jealous," I say as I stick my tongue out at her, making her poke my sides. I squeal when she tickles me, trying to push her hands away from me as she adjusts her hold on me.

"Yes I am. Cause you're my baby and I don't share. I barely share you with Daddy as it is, much less another woman," Mommy snorts as she pats my bottom, adjusting her hold on me. Mommy makes a stop by the sink, resting my bottom on the edge of the counter as she washes off my pacifier before pushing it into my mouth. Then she opens the back door, bumping it open with her hip. She carries me out of the house, stepping off the porch.

"I like painting with you, it's fun," I tell Mommy as she carries me over to her study, opening the door and setting me down once we get inside.

I hurry to go look at the plant, pouting when Mommy grabs me by the sleeve and pulls me to a stop. I huff softly, looking at her with a frown. Mommy tugs me in another direction, where there's a canvas already set on the ground.

"I'm going to give you paint that's safe to get all over you," Mommy says as I try to sit down, watching her abandon me. She comes back with my paint after a little bit, setting it down in front of me before kneeling next to me.

I dip my fingers into the paint, smearing it onto the canvas. Mommy smiles as she sits next to me, humming softly as she rubs my back occasionally. I lean back into her, sighing as I continue to smear paint all over the canvas.

Eventually my attention turns to myself and I smear paint all up and down my arms. Mommy gasps, closing her eyes after a moment as she puts her head in her hands.

"Nooo, I should have seen it coming," Mommy sighs softly as she huffs, keeping her head buried into her hands. I pout at her, upset that she wasn't watching me paint anymore. Mommy drops her hands down, giving me her attention. Mommy offers me a small smile, one that doesn't quite meet her eyes as she watches me continue to smear paint all over me.

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