Chapter 8

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*Aria's P.O.V*

The day of the business conference I was up way earlier then I had to be. I curled my hair for the day, letting the curls fall loosely down my back. I combed my fingers through my hair to make the curls a little less defined.

I had made sure my dress was wrinkle free the night before by steaming it. I carefully put it on, smoothing my dress out one more time. I then slipped on a pair of black heels, taking a moment to adjust in walking them. It had been so long since I had willingly worn heels that I knew I would have to suffer the pain and stumbling until I got used to it.

I carefully made my way down the hall, rolling my eyes at Lexi's snickers at my stumbling. I stuck my tongue out at her as I went to the kitchen, grabbing a plate of scrambled eggs that she had made for me. I quickly ate breakfast, keeping an eye on the time.

"I doubt you're going to be late, they said they were going to come pick you up," Lexi said.

"I would rather not risk it," I retorted as I finished my breakfast. I dusted my dress off once I was done eating, taking my plate to the sink. Once that was done, I headed to the living room to pace. As I walked back and forth, I mulled over today. I flushed when I realized that I had left my folder and sketchbook in my room and hurried to grab it so that I didn't forget it again.

"All you're going to do with that pacing is stress yourself out," Lexi informed me as she watched the T.V. It was some baking show that I could only mildly pay attention to. I turned my attention to her, a small frown on my lips.

"I can't help it, you would be pacing too if you were meeting your idol," I retorted as I went back to pacing. I turned around too quickly and ended up nearly falling, having to pause to steady myself on the coffee table.

"Yeah but I'm not so I can tell you that you need to sit down," Lexi said. I rolled my eyes as my phone buzzed and I hurriedly looked at it. I sighed in relief when I saw that it was Athena, grabbing my purse from the coat rack.

"Bye Lex, don't burn down the building while I'm gone," I called to her as I opened the door, stepping out and shutting it behind me. I shoved my phone into my purse as I walked to the stairs, grabbing onto the railing as I walked down the stairs until I reached the bottom floor. As soon as I reached the bottom floor, I let go of the railing with a sigh of relief.

"You alright darling?" Adonis greeted me from where he was standing against the wall. I nodded my head as I smoothed out my dress.

"I'm just not used to walking in heels, I prefer flats," I muttered with a small blush on my cheeks.

"Why didn't you wear flats then?" Adonis asked as he escorted me to the car. It was a nice car, at least I thought it was since I didn't know cars very well. It was a dark black that seemed almost blue from how the sun was shining off of it.

"Heels felt more professional," I shrugged my shoulders as he opened the car door for me. I sat down carefully, smoothing out my dress. "Thank you," I said before he shut the door. I was sitting behind Athena who was in the passenger seat.

"How have you been?" Athena asked as she turned to look back at me.

"Nervous," I said as Adonis got in the car. Athena hummed softly, managing to draw me into a conversation as I looked down at my sketchbook and folder that was sitting in my lap.

We chatted the whole way to the business conference, discussing the conference in detail. I was quite thankful that Athena talked me through what was going to happen. I froze when we actually got there though and Adonis got out to let the valet take his car. While he was doing that, Athena got out and opened my door for me.

She offered me her hand and I took it, flinching slightly when there were several flashes of light. I realized belatedly that of course there would be paparazzi especially since there were tons of business people here.

Athena guided me inside as I let my hair fall in my face to hide it. She steered me into the building, bringing me over to a much quieter corner where a few people were chatting.

"Emma, I'd like for you to meet one of my new friends. Aria Ahn," Athena introduced me and I smiled shyly at her.

"Ahn?" the murmurs were louder in my ears than people actually said. My eyes moved around the group and I froze as I locked eyes with a familiar pair of brown eyes.

"Aria," the woman greeted politely, her eyes narrowing just slightly. I met her gaze challengingly before I looked to Athena for guidance.

"It's lovely to see you Julie however I'm afraid that Aria and I have arranged to chat with Emma," Athena said politely as her hand moved to the small of my back. I froze for a second before I let her lead me away, Emma walking beside us the whole time.

"So Athena tells me you're somewhat of a designer," Emma said once we had gotten further away from the group. I nodded my head as I hesitantly handed her my folder, letting her look through it as Athena's hand stayed on the small of my back.

"Is it alright that my hand's here?" Athena whispered to me and I nodded after a moment of contemplation. I didn't really mind it, her touch was quite comforting especially since I could still feel my older sister's eyes burning holes into my back.

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