Chapter 26

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*Athena's P.O.V*

Aria was very distraught over dropping that cracker on the floor. My attempts to soothe her only upset her more as she continued to sob into my shoulder. She eventually cries herself out of tears and looks up at me with bloodshot eyes. I could see that she was truly just overtired.

"You poor thing, dropping that cracker has really upset you," I coo as I take the plate off of her lap, putting it over on the living room table. She fights for a bit when I try to turn to turn her to sit on my lap fully but eventually lets me turn her so that I can cradle her properly.

"Can I hold her?" Adonis asks as he scoots closer and I shake my head as I sigh softly in exasperation.

"She just finished crying and only a moment ago let me cradle her, give me a few moments," I say as I run a hand through her hair. Aria is still sniffling slightly, fussing slightly as she gets comfortable before tucking her head in between my breasts.

"I want her though," Adonis says as he rests his head on the back of the couch. He huffs when his phone rings as he pulls it out of his pocket. He goes to answer it before I see the name on the screen.

"Go elsewhere," I order and Adonis rolls his eyes, getting up as he moves down the hall and I hear a door shut as he went into Aria's room to answer the phone.

"Where Addy go?" Aria asks, lifting her head up slightly to look around. It takes me a moment to realize who she is talking about and it makes me chuckle that she had chosen that nickname for him.

"He had to answer a call," I explain to her even as she starts to fuss again. She tries to get up and I sigh, standing up with her in my arms. She's light in my arms and I rest her on my hip as I call down the hall.

"Adonis, switch off with me and come hold the little one," I say. The door slams open and Adonis hurries over to me, shoving the phone into my hand as he takes Aria from me.

"I knew I would be the favorite," he mutters as he coos over her, covering her face in kisses which makes her giggle. I move down the hall, stepping into Aria's room before putting the phone up to my ear.

"Cyril, what do you want?" I ask as I lean against the door. I can hear Aria giggling still in the background which makes me smile softly.

"I can't call my bosses for fun?" Cyril asks, sounding quite amused at my question. He was always joking when something went wrong.

"What has happened now?" I question, my voice sharp. I did not have time to fool around when it came to either side of my job.

"Fine, I may have made a small screw up in scheduling. You know how you wanted a trip to Ireland for next summer and a trip to France for this summer?" Cyril's words make me close my eyes as I groan in exasperation, facepalming.

"You mixed them up didn't you?" I ask, hearing a noise of confirmation from him.

"Oh and someone escaped the cellar," Cyril states, making me nod my head as I suck in a deep breath.

"Pick a number between one and ten," I say instead of blowing up, rage in my voice.

"Uh...How about three?" Cyril says it more like a question.

"Good, when I am done with you I will let you keep three of your fingers you god damn imbecile," I hiss out. "Who escaped?" I ask.

"Please Athena, leave me my fingers. They're the only thing my wife left me in the divorce," Cyril states. Even though he is joking, I can hear the fear in his voice. "It was Jerry," he says slowly.

"Oh I'm not even leaving you three fingers at this point. Fuck off and find him and maybe you can keep them," I state before hanging up.

"I will not lose everything because of a man named Jerry," I state as I ran a hand through my hair, pondering what to do now. Jerry had been a pretty high rank member of a gang that used to work for us. He had been fired for embezzling money but he had also found out that Adonis and I sort of ran the mafia. That was just a side business but if it got out, Adonis and I would probably get life in jail or worse.

What made me feel even worse was that Aria was now in danger with her association to us. Jerry may got to the police but he could also try to devastate us personally first. I knew I should have just had him executed!

I calm myself down before I leave Aria's room, going back to the living room. "Aria, would you like to spend the night with Addy and I?" I question. Adonis gives me a weird look at the nickname, his nose wrinkling up slightly at it.

"Yes!" Aria says quickly as she looks at me from where she is sitting on Adonis lap. She seems to deflate after a moment though. "I wanted to stay with Lexi though," she pouts.

"You may invite your cousin to stay as well. I have some friends coming over tonight that would love to meet her," I inform Aria. Aria perks up at that and nods, scrambling to grab her phone off the kitchen table. She unlocks it and texts Lexi. I glance at it and wince as I see all the spelling mistakes. Hopefully her cousin would just put it off as mistyping stuff instead of us having to tell her about Aria's regression.

"You have ice cream?" Aria asks as she looks at me with slightly narrowed eyes, almost like she's trying to decided whether staying with Adonis and I was worth it.

"Yes, a whole freezer full," Adonis says. That was the wrong thing to say because she is out of the door before either of us can say anything.

"Brilliant work Addy," I say as I go after Aria.

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