Chapter 14

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*Aria's P.O.V*

I waited in great anticipation to go to the Adairs. I couldn't wait to see Athena's art studio. I was sure that it would be massive as that woman didn't seem to do things by half. I knew that by her outfits, always perfectly in order no matter what was going on. Seeing paint on her face the other day was the first time I had seen her messy.

I sort of wondered if her art studio would be messy like that. Lexi was like that in some ways. Insanely organized with most things but sort of messy with her room. I was like that too except everything in my life was chaos. It felt like I had managed to get a thousand years worth of karma for some reason. Every single time I tried to clean something, something worse would get messed up.

I normally didn't focus on details such as that except I was still deep in thought over what my parents could possibly want to meet me for. I know my Tante said it was because they wanted to see that I was safe but I was by nature a suspicious person.

When Saturday rolled around and Athena texted me that I could come over anytime after twelve, I was ready to go by exactly at twelve. I think Adonis expected that because he sent me a text saying that he'd send a car to pick me up whenever I was ready. We spent a lot of time texting now, though not nearly as much time as I spent texting Athena, and we mainly talked about engineering designs that would work.

While my talent lays in fashion design, I could see a good design for something like technology when I saw it. We spent a lot of time texting about how he would engineer a design to work and although most of the terminology wasn't something I was familiar with, he made sure to text it in a way that ensured I would understand it.

When I was in the car on the way to their house, I wondered what it would look like. My parents had a house outside of the city although it was considered a family house seeing as the whole family stayed there a lot of the time. Most of the time though my parents stayed on the floor above their offices. It was basically a big old apartment and that is where my sisters and I spent most of our time after school.

For some reason I couldn't see Adonis and Athena doing that. They seemed to love each other as well as their space so I could see them owning a big house. I also imagined them having a big backyard that was fenced in.

My theory was proven right when the car pulled into the driveway of a mansion. I tried not to be so shocked but it truly was a huge home. I got out of the car once we reached the top of the driveway, looking around in awe.

My awe was interrupted by the front door opening. Athena was the first one out the door and she greeted me happily, wrapping her arms around me in a tight hug. I hugged her back with a small grin on my lips.

"Oh my darling girl, you're just as adorable as you were the other day," Athena said. I flushed but knew that her words were just her getting revenge for hanging up on her and for sticking my tongue out at her.

"I am not adorable," I huffed as Adonis came outside. I became quite aware of the other people, bodyguards it looked like, stationed at the door and scattered throughout the property.

"It's good to see you Aria," Adonis greeted me. "So what do you think of the place so far?" he questioned.

"I wasn't expecting you two to own a mansion. I figured you would own a ranch in the middle of nowhere as well as a small family home," I said. Athena chuckled as she interlaced our arm.

"We do own a little farmhouse," she informed me. "Adonis go away, this is girl bonding time," she ordered her husband. I giggled at her words as she started to walk away. I walked next to her, ignoring Adonis' gasps at being denied bonding time. He spluttered after us, saying that he didn't need us and he'd have his own girl time.

Once we rounded the corner, I burst into giggles as Athena paused. She let me finish my giggling fit before she led me towards the back corner of the house. There was a small separate little building that sat next to the house and I assumed it was Athena's art studio. My assumption was proved true when that was the building we stood in front of.

"Now I must admit that my studio is a little messy. However there are tarps covering the floor to prevent paint from getting on the floor. So be careful because you might step in some paint," Athena warned me as she opened the door.

I entered the building carefully, taking my shoes off and sitting them next to the door. I was amazed by the art studio immediately. The only walls in the entire building were the four outside walls. It was a completely open floor plan with canvases covering the room except for the middle of it.

The walls were the most amazing part of it because the walls were covered from ceiling to floor with a continuous painting. It was the same scene of a woman and her lover slowly growing apart from each other or growing together depending on whether you looked from left to right or from right to left. The background of the painting on the walls changed with each season so each wall was a different season.

"This is all so amazing," I whispered in awe as I looked around, a small smile on my lips.

"Thank you, I've been working on it for years now. This studio is my happy place," she said as she looked around her studio, looking over the canvases. "Would you like to add a painting of your own to my collection?" she questioned. I looked at her like she had just asked the most obvious question in the world which she had.

"Of course," I answered, clapping my hands together excitedly when she went to get a canvas ready for me.

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