Chapter 3

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*Aria's P.O.V*

I fixed my dress for what felt like the fifteenth time. It was a little shorter than what I liked but I was wearing shorts underneath it so I was fine with it. I slipped on the flats that I got to match it, thankful for the socks that were built into them.

I tied my hair up in a loose ponytail as I looked into the mirror, shaking my head at how it looked. I pulled the ponytail down, shaking my head as I ran my fingers through my hair. I fluffed up my hair after a moment before I smiled in satisfaction.

"Are you almost done?" Lexi asked from outside my bedroom door. I sighed as I opened the door, staring at her as she finished putting her arm through the sleeve of her dress.

"You're still getting dressed, don't give me that 'are you almost done'," I said as I walked past her. Lexi snorted as she rolled her eyes, following behind me. Her hair had been left down in its natural curls, going down to just past her shoulders.

"All I had to do was finish putting my arm through the sleeve, that hardly counts as still getting ready," Lexi objected as she frowned. She was wearing a dark green dress that went halfway down her thigh, a matching choker on her neck.

"And I was just fluffing up my hair so I was more ready to go then you were," I retorted as I grabbed her purse for her. It was also partly for me since I was going to use her card. I always paid her back afterwards, once I got my paycheck.

"Give me my purse," Lexi said as she put on her heels.. I never understood why she wore them, she always ended up complaining about the pain in her feet after walking all night. She never took my advice to bring a pair of shoes to change into.

"Give me some respect," I retorted as I threw her purse to her. She didn't manage to catch it and it fell to the floor. She glared at me, a frown on her lips as she picked it up.

"I want you to know that if I wasn't wearing heels I would beat you up," Lexi informed as she frowned.

"I would go down fighting," I said. I knew if it came down to us actually fighting, I would definitely lose. Lexi had taken boxing lessons with my sister Maria when we were younger and she still took lessons on the weekend.

"Let's go, I need to find someone hot to talk to," Lexi said as she slid her purse up onto her shoulder. I slid past her, opening the apartment door and taking off ahead of her. I occasionally looked back at her, making sure she was following me.

Lexi was more interested in flirting with people then the ambience of the club so that left me to find all our clubs. I had just found a new one, it had just opened recently and it was only two blocks away. Sure that was like the busiest part of the city but I wouldn't mind waiting in line if the club was as nice as the reviews said.

Once we got to the club, I stood in line with Lexi. She was on her phone and I watched her scroll through a few apps before we finally reached the front of the line. I grabbed both of our I.D's from her purse to present to the bouncer while she put her phone in her purse.

I was so thankful that I was now 21 and could get into the clubs with Lexi. Sure we had gone to a few shady ones before I was of the legal age to drink but I could already tell this place was going to be a lot nicer than those.

I followed Lexi inside as she put the I.D's back into her purse. We found a table and found out that we could actually order our drinks at the table and have them sent on a conveyor belt to deliver them. I ordered a Strawberry Margarita and Lexi ordered a Tequila Sunrise. When our drinks arrived, we had to place the tablet in front of the little cup to make a dome lift off the top of the drinks.

"This place is so fancy," Lexi whispered to me, sipping her drink as I stirred mine up while looking around. "You and your fruity drinks," she muttered as she rolled her eyes.

"Your mothers," I retorted as I lifted my drink up, taking a careful sip to avoid spilling it everywhere.

"They are very fruity and so am I," Lexi said with a small grin. "Speaking of fruity, I'm going to go mingle," she said as she handed me my phone. I normally left it with her unless we got separated. "Don't worry, my location and Life 360 is on," she assured me before she got up from the table and slipped into the crowd.

She knew I worried, it was hard not to when anything could happen. I also had anxiety so she knew I tended to spiral when I started to worry. It's why she didn't gripe about me being up and down all night to make sure that our apartment door was locked.

I ordered a few more drinks, listening to the music that was playing. I drained the rest of my drink before putting it on the tray it came on to be sent back to the kitchen. I got up, bringing my phone with me as I looked for the bathroom.

It was in the very back and I had to pass a fancy looking staircase to get to it. I quickly went to the bathroom before leaving the bathroom. I continued looking around, managing to spot Lexi with a woman. I rolled my eyes as I watched Lexi talk to her, surprised that Lexi would talk to someone for so long. She normally got bored talking to someone for so long seeing as she liked to meet a bunch of new people and learn about them.

I shook my head as I went to head back to our table. I ended up bumping against someone when trying to move past a group of rowdy people. I turned to apologize, my mouth drying when I met the familiar brown eyes.

"I did say I would see you around didn't I?" Athena Adair asked, a small smile on her lips. "Second time bumping into me today, it must be fate," she said. I flushed at her words, feeling my cheeks heat up.

"I'm sorry," I apologized as I ducked my head.

"Nothing to apologize for, I'll never complain about bumping into a beautiful young woman," Athena said. "Would you like to go upstairs to talk, it's much less crowded," she offered. I glanced to the upper floor, noticing that it had bodyguards standing to the side of it. It also looked a lot less crowded.

"Sure," I accepted her offer with a small smile, feeling excitement bubble in me.

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