Chapter 2

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I have no self control so have another chapter

*Aria's P.O.V*

After my run in with Athena, I had trouble focusing on picking out a dress for the night. It was a red dress with sparkles on it. It went down to just past my knees and I got a pair of flats to match. If there was one thing I knew, going out to the club in heels was not a good idea in the long run. If I decided to drink, which I inevitably would, walking home would only get ten times more difficult with heels on.

I stopped to get some nachos before heading home, eating as I started the walk home. Once I had finished eating, I threw the nacho container away in a nearby trash can. I had spent a good three hours at the mall, just wandering around after I got my dress and shoes. I knew that Lexi's moms would have spent a lot of time with her, they always did when they decided to visit the apartment.

As soon as I got back to the apartment complex, I checked the parking lot for either of my aunt's cars. Once I knew I was in the clear, I quickly headed up the stairs to get to the third floor where Lexi and I's apartment was. I knocked on the door and waited a moment before entering.

"Just in time, my mothers have just left," Lexi informed me. I nodded as I entered the apartment, taking off my shoes and setting them to the side as I sat my bag down. "What is it?" she asked when she looked at me. She always knew when I was hiding something, I was terrible at keeping things secret.

"I ran into Athena Adair," I said quietly.

"Repeat that, I couldn't hear you," Lexi said.

"I ran into Athena Adair," I repeated as I cleared my throat. Her eyes widened as she took in what I said.

" did that go?" Lexi questioned as she grabbed the shopping bag I had sat down, looking through it.

"I accidentally outed myself as a member of the Ahn family business within seconds of meeting her," I said. Lexi's eyes widened and she dropped the bag.

"You didn't," she whispered with a small frown.

"I did," I said as I ran a hand through my hair nervously.

"You absolute idiot," Lexi said as she facepalmed, a small groan escaping her lips. "I'll try and cover for you if anything comes up at the next family meeting but you owe me," she stated.

"That's fine," I said as I slid her card out of my pocket and handed it to her, a small smile on my lips. "Athena Adair is so fucking hot," I said quietly, ignoring the snort that escaped Lexi.

"I can't believe the one time you leave the house, you run into your lifelong crush," Lexi said as she sat down on the couch. I sat next to her, resting my head on her shoulder. "Is she as hot as she is on TV?" Lexi questioned.

"Even hotter," I admitted as I smiled slightly. "She said that she can't wait to see me around," I muttered.

"And you didn't tell me that first?" Lexi said as she shoved me. "I can't believe that you would try and keep such a secret from me," she said as she shook her head, forcing a frown to appear on her lips.

"It's not like I tried to keep it a secret, it just wasn't the first thing on my mind," I huffed as I rolled my eyes. I slowly slid down, resting my head on her lap as I stared up at the ceiling. "I can't believe I met Athena Adair," I muttered in disbelief.

"I can't believe you met her either," Lexi stated. "It's like destiny," she said as she smiled softly.

"I hope it is, maybe she'll leave her husband for me," I said jokingly with a sigh.

"Why have her leave him? I've heard he's pretty hot and that voice," she sighed dreamily as she slumped back against the couch. I rolled my eyes as I shook my head. Adonis Adair was a very attractive man, she was definitely right about that. He was a great mystery to many though. He had moved from Scotland to America shortly after marrying Athena almost twenty years ago.

Their romance was one out of a fairytale. They had met in Costa Rica, him on a business trip and her visiting family. He had run into her and they had spent a night together only to disappear the next day. She had left her necklace at his place and he had searched all around to return it. Apparently they lost contact after that until Athena managed to reach out to him years later.

They managed to reconnect and had been together ever since. Of course that's all I knew since it was just in the magazines, I had never actually asked them about it. I wouldn't have asked them about it anyways even if I had known them personally as it would probably just be awkward.

"She said she supposed she'd see me around, if only I was so lucky," I told Lexi with a wistful sigh.

"You never know, maybe she'll manage to find you. Perhaps she slipped a tracker on you," Lexi teased. I snorted at the joke, knowing that she only said that because the Adair's entire company was heavily based around technology. Their newest device was a small tracker, designed to keep track of people and items. It was truly astonishing at how brilliant their company was.

"Don't get my hopes up," I rolled my eyes as I sat up. I flipped my hair over my shoulder as I got up, a small smile on my lips. "I'm going to start getting ready, you should do the same. Lord knows that you take longer than I do to get ready," I said.

"Whatever you say, last time you took three hours," Lexi scoffed. I huffed as I turned to look at her. "Not to mention how long it took you to leave the club afterwards," she stated.

"I was wearing a romper under my dress, it's not my fault I had to pee," I whined with a small frown. "I hope you never find true love," I stated as I turned and went down the hall.

"You'll never find love either you wicked woman," Lexi called after me, causing me to gasp in faux surprise at her words but went ahead, deciding to try and find a makeup look that I liked.

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