彡[ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 11: ᴘᴀʀᴛꜱ]彡

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The Parts & Service room was identical to the main party room, same checkered floors, and walls with gray paint. The big differences were the large pipes and wires on the walls, and the floor had black spill marks that looked like oil. At least it's not blood, right?

At the end of the room, I saw a large red animatronic with a missing head but a... metal skull?  and a metal hook for a hand. William closed the door and took one of the rolling stools from under the brown table, pulling it towards him.

"Sit here darling"  William patted it and sat on the nearest chair, just beside the stool. I slowly walked to it and sat down uncomfortably. Fingers crossed that I won't die here.

A serial killer, a child murderer, and possibly an animatronic with a child inside...

This is the worst room to be in...

"The animatronic you see before you is "Foxy the Pirate" " William spoke while pointing at the fox Animatronic.

"Won't the hook hurt the kids?" I asked, rubbing my thumb against my nails like it was nothing.

"Of course it can, that's why he has his own curtains" he replied nonchalantly. "He has his own area in the party room but it's closed at the moment". Ah, so he was the one behind the purple curtains in the Pirate Cove. Deep down, I just knew that he wanted that metal to be drenched in red.

"So what did you want me to do?" I asked again. I want to get this over with...

"Do you see those glowing tubes around his body? The one with the positive and negative signs?"

"Yeah, what about it?"

"I need you to place the correct fuses on each slot"

So those are called fuses?— Hold on, correct fuses? Are they even misplaced? From what I know based on the newspapers in the present, both William and Henry created these animatronics, so it's common sense if they're the ones repairing them. "How did they get misplaced?" in the end, I ended up asking another. It's better to ask shit than do dumb mistakes.

"One of the employees tried to repair him but instead, they mixed up the fuses" He crossed his arms and sighed.

I turned my head, eyeing the purple individual. "What makes you so sure I wouldn't make the same mistake?"

William grinned eerily and said, "You won't". Something about that sentence made my skin crawl. It didn't sound reassuring, it sounded like a threat. *sigh* What can you expect from a child murderer?

I sighed again and slowly approached the red fox. Close up, he was taller than I was, even if he was sitting. His hook was raised and he wasn't moving but there was something about it that tells me not to approach the animatronic. I sat down in front of the fox with a fast-beating heart.

What if there's a dead body inside?!—Wait, if William's letting me repair this, considering a murderer would cover his or her tracks, then the body's probably gone. Or its probably in an older model? Jeez, I already forgot.

"How do I do this?" I whispered to myself.

"First, you have to place his head back on the endoskeleton"

I'm guessing the insides are called endoskeletons

I looked to my right and saw a large red fox head with an eyepatch. I gently grabbed it and as expected, it was heavy. I lifted it up and slowly placed it on the endoskeleton but suddenly...

The animatronic came to life and I let out a scream. Foxy almost slashed my face open with his metal hook but I was able to step back just in time, resulting in me almost stumbling on the floor. Instinctively, I grabbed the hammer on my right above the wooden desk and aimed it at the animatronic.

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