彡[ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 25: ꜱᴛᴏʀᴍʏ]彡

745 28 23

===== Timeskip: 8:13 AM ======

The granite sky persisted, along with its steady rain so the warm shower was perfect. Fresh new bandages felt great, but the wound itself was still a pain in the ass. The cut on my neck had healed up, despite its depth, strange I would say. Henry talked to me right after my conversation with Michael and I told him about William's situation, excluding what happened between us because no way in hell I'm suggesting that to anybody. This was William's worst one yet they said, and they concluded that just from the tiny details.

Although it feels wrong, I picked my clothes for the day from the drawers of the guest room, which meant they belonged to Clara, and wore a black star-patterned sweater and red pajama pants. You might be wondering why I'm dressed up like this. Well, that's because I was tasked to stay at home and watch William by Henry. He figured it might be best if someone actually watched the guy instead of leaving him alone. Before he ended the call, he thanked me for passing Charlie's message.

🎶Through the storm, we reach the shore
You give it all but I want more
And I'm waiting for you

🎶With or without you
With or without you, ah, ah
I can't live
With or without you

After I changed, I went downstairs and heard faint music. The station played U2's "With or Without You" on the radio at a low volume. I would've wanted it a little louder but it'll be inconsiderate of me because William was experiencing an extreme headache at the moment. He wore a purple knitted sweater and dark blue pajama pants. Every curtain was untied, and the light source was the lamp in the living room. I'd see sudden flashes of lightning outside sometimes. Michael couldn't come back to his house because of the bad weather. At least he has Henry.

The man on the couch wasn't capable of moving like standing or sitting up. William's lightheadedness was a problem, but he can still talk. "I won't be able to cook anything for today, love..." his voice muffled by the cushions.

I shrugged and said "Don't worry about it, I can still make something" then proceeded to the kitchen, opening the cabinets and fridge. His condition's worsening because he hasn't eaten a single thing since yesterday. Back in my apartment, I'd always eat instant ramen and I never got sick of it, especially if it comes in different flavors. 

Unfortunately, William didn't have those. I never really got to learn in creating complicated recipes because they're time-consuming and countless essays constantly awaited me on my desk. However, I did pick up a few recipes from my old part-time job.

Shortly after my pondering, I discovered a large batch of chocolate chip cookies almost the size of my palm. Suddenly, I got an idea and I've been dying to try it—please don't take it literally. With a smile of excitement, I grabbed the ice cream tubs from the freezer and placed them above the granite counter.

5 minutes later, everything was done and I carried the plates to the coffee table. I got myself a cup of coffee as a treat while I prepared tea for the British guy. The Aftons had A LOT of choices so I just picked what I first saw; lemon tea. William had his arm covering his eyes and I poked it to get his attention, "Woi, I got you something" I said and the man murmured words I can't understand.

"I'll eat it later..." he replied but I was quick to say something back. "There's no "later", or else you're gonna eat soggy cookies" I crossed my arms and added a small threat that I'd eat all of it and leave no crumbs. A sound of confusion left his mouth and he finally looked at the table.

He groggily sat up and questioned, "What is it? It looks interesting." with a tilted head. A bit proud of my creation, I replied "5 Blueberry Ice Cream Sandwiches with Whipped Cream and Sprinkles. They used to serve something like this in a cafe I used to work in" Yes, I work—I mean, worked in a cafe as a waitress before I got sent back in time. My coworkers were okay, I guess. I didn't talk to them much and they didn't bother me. I wonder if time flows differently back there...

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