彡[ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 40: ᴡᴏᴇ]彡

502 24 12

===== Timeskip: 7:00 AM ======

A pair of hot hands continued to shake me awake from my sleep. I opened one eye first, now seeing a tired Neil with bedhead hair and wrinkled clothes. When he said we were gonna marathon the Conjuring movies, he wasn't kidding. "Wake up (Y/N)... *yawn* We have work today..." he ruffled my hair more.

"Yeah yeah... I'll get up..." I murmured, "In five minutes...."

Eventually, my alarm started to ring and he tossed it to my side of the couch so I can turn it off on my own. I rubbed my eyes and groggily sat up, feeling every crack on my back. We slept on the armrests of the couch, so our bodies were very stiff right now, and in pain too. Despite the stiffness of our joints, we got on our feet and trudged to the kitchen to eat. We picked a few snacks from yesterday's shopping spree and prepared our daily dose of caffeine. In our minds was an agreement that we'd drink another from the break room later.

We took turns in the shower and prepped ourselves for the day. Of course, I had to borrow one of his shirts again since I don't exactly have any extra tops with me. This time, it was a long-sleeved one, with the torso being black which had an astronaut floating while the sleeves were white. It's one of the few that fits me yet it still had its excess so I tucked the bottom under my pants.

Neil and I stepped out of his apartment unit around 8:20 AM and reached the pizzeria by 9:00 AM. Let's say we walked like mummies on the way here. We passed by the parking lot and opened the backdoor, leaving our damp umbrellas by the hallway again which already had 5 open ones for some reason. They were scattered so we needed to step over them carefully as if it was a simple parkour, ending with a small jump that the man and I did at the same time.

I didn't see anyone in the hallway before we entered the employees room just to get another cup of coffee. We sat down on the metal stools right after brewing a cup, yet we almost choked when the door burst open. "Oh hey you two—Wait a goddamn minute...."

"Ness, don't scream right now please, we're having a goddamn headache," Neil answered, rubbing the temples of his head. It was true however, my head's getting bashed again so my solution was my other best friend, coffee.

"You two are in the same room, both of you look tired as fuck, especially with the bags, and (Y/N)'s wearing your shirt...." Vanessa pursed her lips and slowly widened her eyes when she reached a conclusion. "No way... NO WAY! Did you two—"

"NO! WE DID NOT!" We didn't let her finish her sentence. Just then, Luis showed up with a confused face. "What's with the yelling?-" he asked and observed our clothing, sooner or later having the same face as Vanessa. "Did you two—"

"NO! WE DID NOT!" the man and I repeated again, louder this time. But for some reason, my back started aching so I reached over to massage it. At the same time, Neil's neck went stiff again so we were just over there, writhing in our pain.

"There's no way Neil would let anyone borrow that shirt, let alone a girl he 'loathes'," Luis laughed, making a quote-unquote gesture and whistling. "Eh, what do I know? (Y/N)'s a pretty and lovely gal. Also, you look good with your hair down!" The blonde girl nodded her head in agreement.

"Can you two idiots stop jumping to conclusions?" Neil rolled his eyes. "We're just tired from a movie marathon, and I already said sorry for being a jerk. Is that cleared up?"

"Yes boss, whatever you say," Vanessa huffed in defeat and turned her playful attitude into a somewhat serious one. Luis did the same. "We have a...um... guest right now," she said. Neil and I exchanged glances, knowing who it is but pretended not to. "Who is it?" I asked.

Luis scratched his head, replying with "You should come meet her... or not..." They don't look too comfortable right now, that's what I noticed. "I don't know how you'll feel about this, (Y/N)..." Vanessa added, not knowing what to say next.

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