彡[ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 23: ꜰᴏᴏʟ]彡

708 23 10

===== Timeskip: 8:25 AM =====

The next day started off as very chilly like it's winter, that's March for you. I've been awake since last night, strolling around the neighborhood and taking note of the streets I pass by. The same convenience store was one of the places I saw too where I bought new bandages for my arm and a medium-sized band-aid for the cut on my neck. I got a horrified reaction from the guy in the store when blood oozed down and I looked so unbothered as if it was a daily occurrence.

Without another app running in the background of my phone, the music's been ongoing too and it kept me awake. The alarm had gone off and by the time it did, I reached the diner, seemingly the first one to arrive. I've had my dose of the morning sun, time to get in. The sunrise here was dope, not going to lie.

I used the backdoor key Henry passed to me with the locker key and pushed the heavy metal door. The sunlight wasn't enough to lighten the hallway so I used my flashlight to navigate inside, and flipped the electricity switch to turn on every light. Only Henry has the keys to open the restaurant shutters so I couldn't do anything about it. The first room I went for was the Employees Room just to get some coffee. A little pick-me-up. Moreover, I needed to change my top clothes because of the blood. I did find something a bit closer to my size and wore it.

The reason I didn't go back to William's house is that I was afraid of what I could do to him, and not what he could do to me. If I stayed there with madness swirling in my mind, it will end in bloodshed and I wouldn't regret a moment of it. Now I'm not underestimating the guy, but in terms of experience and er... kill count? I get the score. Okay, not something I'm proud of because it's a sign I might be worse than William. Actually, you know what? I'm just gonna say it; We damn well deserve to die for our crimes.

The brewing was done and I poured myself a cup, I gotta know what brand this is. I walked around the pizzeria and found the red radio Henry likes to use. It wasn't long before I figured out how it worked since I remember my mother owning something similar to it, and in a short time, the place resonated with Bryan Adams' "Heaven", along with a brief weather report of cloudy skies.

🎶Baby, you're all that I want
When you're lyin' here in my arms
I'm findin' it hard to believe
We're in heaven

I had my face buried in my folded arms that rested on top of the white birthday table. My head was suddenly hurting again. I can go back to my time right now while no one's watching, but a part of me was hoping that I stay here, for the reason that I might be able to learn kindness again. A better version of myself would be nice too. Then again, Charlie hinted that I can't stay for too long so I'm trying to make the best out of this. Today is my 4th day... and I recently died and then resurrected. Great job me, *thumbs up*

An hour and 30 minutes of setting up the restaurant later, someone finally arrived. "(Y/N)? You're early! But anyways, good morning!" Henry waved at me with a sunshine smile. He inspected the place and was surprised at how everything had been prepared, "Wow, now all we need to do is open up the place! What time did you get here?"

"Er... Around 8 or something?" I grinned awkwardly, and the brown-haired man widened his eyes. I took another sip of my coffee and noticed how Henry was approaching me with a narrow gaze. "Is something wrong?"

"(Y/N), how many hours of sleep did you get?"

"Uh.... zero?"



"You didn't sleep last night, didn't you?"

"Nope, not even a wink"

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