The three open gaps of the locker were the only window of the hallowed halls of my school. I had been stuck here for god knows how long, and I couldn't even call anyone. I wanted to pretend it wasn't affecting me at all, yet these dried tears across my cheek were never brushed away.
It was past daybreak, and some students and staff had entered the building, so it was my chance to call for help. "Somebody! HELP!" I yelled, banging the door from the inside, but all their reactions were pure terror that they'd run away. My voice was so hoarse from all the crying last night that I sounded sick. However, I've run out of tears to shed, I was just so angry at them. These lockers are the same size as us, how is it so hard to believe someone could be trapped in it?!
I tiredly watched people who ignored my knocks pass by in front of me. I haven't slept a wink at all, the exhaustion was catching up to me, so my eyes were closing, until I heard a familiar voice yell, "(Y/N)! Where are you?!"
I screamed at the top of my voice, "VICTOR! OVER HERE!" Rapid footsteps came to a close and there he was, just behind this metal. I whispered the numbers for the rotary combination lock to open the prison. Once he unlatched it, the door flew open, and I fell forward with the boy catching me in his arms. Everyone gasped, whispering how they'd been hearing faint knocks in the same locker. Victor bitterly glared at them, "Which one of you scumbags did this?" he questioned and every pair of eyes fell on three individuals at the back.
"You..." I clenched my jaw, air seething through my teeth. I snatched my bag from the ground and brought out the thickest book I have. The atmosphere darkened as I eyed the boy who locked me in. With an innocent smile, I walked over to him while my fingers tapped the book cover and the crowd cleared a path.
"You look like a mess," the boy cracked a cocky smile with his other friends.
"I think you need to look in the mirror after this," I spoke.
With the rush of adrenaline, I smacked his face with a book and the impact was so loud it resonated in the hall. Another wave of gasps escaped everybody's lips as the boy stumbled back, spitting blood on the floor and losing a single tooth from it. His nose bled badly so he wiped it off with the back of his hand. But before he was able to utter another word, I tackled him on the ground and continued to hit his head with the book as I screamed.
Students took out their phones to record while they chanted "Fight! Fight! Fight!" loudly. Mind you that this book was as thick as an encyclopedia, this was just our math textbook. His friends tried to pull me away but I elbowed their stomachs to keep them distanced. The two groaned and hugged their stomachs, eventually kneeling on the floor.
The boy beneath me had his face full of deep scratches and blood trailed down his chin. I swung the brick-like object one last time across his cheek and got up, still unsatisfied. "You're next," I whipped my head to his friends who began crying in fear that they'd almost piss their pants. Unfortunately, I saw a few adults heading our way, telling their students to move.
Victor tossed me my bag and grabbed me by the wrist, "We're getting out of here," he said. With bloodied papers in my hand, the two of us bolted out of the back exit of our school while students cheered. I wanted to get out of there anyway.
The morning sunlight blinded me, but I missed it badly. I didn't care where we were going, as long as it was not anywhere close to the school. Victor wasn't the type to purposefully miss out on school, he was completely strict with attendance.
He took us to a park nearby the lake where people walked their cute dogs and puppies. We were panting from the running, especially me because I was trapped in that metal prison for hours, standing and unable to move. I immediately collapsed on an empty bench, extremely exhausted.

Lethean (William Afton X Reader)
Fanfiction(Alternate Universe "PANTA CHOREI" now PUBLISHED!) (Y/N) would describe herself as an embodiment of bad luck; blood and death surround her and she is a harbinger of these tragedies. No one knew that she could easily take the lives of others in a sin...