1. Whispers in the dark

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"Hello?" My voice echoed through the large abandoned hall. 

Wondering where I was and how I got here, I tried to take in my surroundings. A large throne stood at the end of the otherwise empty dark hall. As I moved closer, a faint light fell upon it revealing a red substance.

Blood. The throne was completely drenched in blood.

I turned around and a man appeared in front of me, startling me in the process. His face was covered with unnerving black markings, I had never seen anything like it before.

"The task is bestowed upon you and it is simple, you have to choose." The man spoke deeply into my mind, without opening his mouth.

"Choose? Why do I have to choose? Between what?" I asked confused. I had no idea who the man was or what he was talking about.

"Because the throne, and therefore its burden, is yours."

I shot up in my bed alarmed and completely drenched in sweat. It took me a while to realize I was actually in my bed and not speaking to the man. It was a dream apparently, a very strange one.

While I tried to control my breathing, whispers coming from downstairs caught my attention. Without thinking twice I summoned my Seregsword and made my way downstairs, walking so quietly that nobody could hear me, not even if they tried. 

My father had trained me to fight and hunt ever since I was little, making me one of the best warriors in the kingdom, even though I wasn't in the army. That was, and I quote, 'reserved for the strongest of men'. Men called the shots about fighting and ruling in this kingdom, while women usually did the more subtle types of work, like spying.

I snuck through the kitchen into the dark living room where three men were having a heated discussion. Sensing that one of them was my father, I moved closer to listen to their conversation.

"Another crossing into the kingdom again? Where?" A voice spoke which belonged to him, I could feel he was tense.

"The east and the west borders, Sir." A young man said.

The borders? Along the east and west sides of the kingdom stood these large black walls known as the borders. They were heavily guarded by either warriors or high-tech weapons. In the middle of each border was one big silver door. Both doors have never actually been opened before, it was rumored that they didn't even work to begin with. Crossing the border was strictly forbidden, it had been that way for as long as everyone could remember. Asking questions about what's behind them wasn't allowed, and even if you did no one could or would answer them, except for a few crazy Elderlings whom spoke nonsense.

Crossing the east or west border was the only way to either enter or leave the huge kingdom, although none who tried have ever returned. The north and south sides of the kingdom were closed off by natural borders. North of the kingdom stood mountains so tall, no one could climb them and south of the kingdom flowed water so wild, no one could cross it. Luckily the kingdom was big and housed various types of landscapes and wildlife, so I never had the urge to cross.

"Where are they now?" A slightly older man asked annoyed, while stepping closer to the others.

The young one hesitated before he spoke. "We don't know that, it appears that we have lost them, Sir." 

The sound of a loud smack echoed through the room as the older man slapped the younger one. My guess was that the young one was one of the warriors who was supposed to guard the borders. His cheek turned red but he didn't move, suggesting that this wasn't the first time.

"Do you have any more information about the trespassers? What clan? Or pack?" My father asked, ignoring what just happened.

Clans? Packs? What on earth were they talking about?

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