22. Rejected

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I woke up the next morning, determined to leave last night's shit behind me. I didn't want to feel sad or hurt, I would channel it into my training today and let it go. I hoisted up the pants, which were threatening to fall down as I walked over to my bathroom to brush my teeth and freshen up. My father was awake in his chair by the time I was done.

"How are you feeling, kiddo?" He rubbed his eyes, before looking at me softly.

"I'm alright." I shrugged and he looked at me questionably, following me downstairs to the kitchen where Valerio was already sitting, giving me a soft look. 

"Please don't give me the pity treatment, I slept well, I feel calm and it's good. It's not like it hasn't happened before to me in a club or something. Way worse things have happened to people, and I'm grateful that wasn't the case for me and now I've moved on and I won't let it happen again." I groaned.

The men looked at each other and nodded to me. It probably wasn't the most healthy coping mechanism but it worked for me. 

We had breakfast and after I was finished I went upstairs to change into some workout gear. When I reached my room I was stopped by Valerio grabbing my arm. It was warming up and I turned to him and frowned. 

What did he want now?

"I forgot to tell you, you looked beautiful last night." He stated blankly, almost like it was a fact.

"Thank you," I smiled. "But you mostly have Agatha to thank for that."

"That's not true. You can pull of anything." He stared at me, and I stared back, refusing to feel anything about that statement, reminding myself there was an active murder investigation going on.

"Speaking of clothing." I cleared my throat, changing the subject. "Are you ever going to wear a full suit? Or a less dark blouse?"

"No." He shrugged casually, slightly annoyed I had changed the subject. "I look good in a dark colored blouse, why change it?"

I mean, the man had a point.

I stayed silent as he went into his room, fully enjoying shutting me up with his confidence, and closed the door.

The next couple of days flew by. It was Saturday, meaning we were going to leave tomorrow morning, which was a good thing because I was done with those boring morning runs. I sat on the hill overlooking the morning training with my father. The training happened in human form this time, and it was pretty amusing. They had to fight one on one and Isaac was paired with the fully recovered Jacob, who tried to cheat his way into winning, only to be beaten up by Isaac, and then by Roman as well for cheating.

Narcissa had recovered too and was paired with Tate, who nearly beat her into the hospital again. Erryn was watching from the side lines, wanting to participate in the action, but she was too young to join this particular training, which was for adults only. Valerio didn't overlook the training today, I could hear he was busy torturing some more rogues his spies had found. Something sketchy was going on with the packs for sure, but I couldn't figure out what.

If I had to guess it was probably related to him volunteering to participate in the conquest, leaving his kingdom open for vulnerabilities since he wouldn't be in it and could possibly be killed. Whatever it was, it sure as hell stressed him out. The man was grumpy as fuck.

"How's the investigation going? Did you get a clearer picture of the werewolves involvement because of our time here?" I asked my father curiously, knowing he wouldn't share anything anyway.

He raised his eyebrows, continuing to stare at the training down the hill. "I did actually."

My eyes widened. "Really? And?"

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