32. The containment chamber

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A continuous, shrill high-pitched sound rang through my ears as I tried to open my eyes. Feeling a cold surface against my heavily throbbing head, the world spun when I tried to figure out where I was. 

It took a lot of effort to push myself up from the floor on which I was lying, too much effort in fact. My body was covered in cuts and bruises and the fabric of the short white dress I was wearing was ripped at multiple spots. I trembled on my knees, trying to maintain my balance. Failing to do so I stumbled to a large metal table in front of me, nearly falling over but catching myself just in time. 

I was powerless.

Trying to catch my breath, my eyes roamed across the room. I looked for anything familiar, but didn't recognize anything. I was standing in a large metal room which seemed to be part of an old military facility, the ceiling was high with broken robotic guns attached to a railing that ran along the walls of the entire room and the military staff had been brutally murdered. Destroyed monitors and machines were scattered all around and they seemed to have been attached to one specific thing towards the end of the room, a metal containment chamber.

Eyeing up the size it appeared to be able to contain only one being. However, the large, seemingly heavy metal door was opened and hung to the side unhinged. Which could only mean one thing.

Something had escaped.

Judging by the severity of the failed contingency measures spread around and the heavily loaded weaponry, something extremely powerful and dangerous had escaped. 

Careful not to fry myself by accidentally making contact with one of the many severed electricity cables or step into any broken glass, I stumbled closer to the exit, knowing very well that checking that shit out always backfired in horror movies.

My body felt broken and with the little strength I had I pushed open another large metal door, leading to an abandoned hallway. One of the last working lights flickered near the emergency exit at the end of it, but it was blocked by a large pile of bodies, an amount I wouldn't be able to move in my current condition.

The only other way I could go was left into another hallway. Luckily for me, I was still able to summon my Seregsword. I walked as quietly as I could, keeping my guard up at an all-time high. Since my powers didn't seem to work, I had to rely on the fighting and survival skills my father had taught me my whole life.

Stumbling onto more dead facility staff, goosebumps appeared on my skin and a shiver ran down my spine. Some of these people were murdered in ways I didn't even know was possible, making the murder of the king and queen look like child's play. The air was completely sucked out of some bodies, others seemed to have burned from the inside out. Some of them appeared to have drowned, with no visible water nearby, others seemed to have died from heavy metal poisoning. A couple of people were murdered in more traditional ways, ripped apart, slashed open, neck broken, electrocuted and so forth. A small man, whom I should've been able to move even in my current state but somehow couldn't, seemed to have died by choking because he was completely stuffed with, dirt?

There was one particular body that creeped me out the most, it belonged to an old man. His body appeared to be perfectly fine, except for his eyes. They were turned inwards and completely grey, making me gulp. Somehow, it felt like his body was an empty shell, and that he himself was gone, ripped out and murdered.

Trying to find an exit, I walked through more and more hallways only to stumble on more and more bodies. My body was getting more exhausted by the second and I groaned as every hallway I passed through was blocked off except for one door every single time. Someone was forcing me to take a specific route. 

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