36. So it begins

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Three am. That's how early it was when we got yanked out of bed. In the pitch black darkness of the night we were hoisted up in our clothing and put into a black SUV to be driven to the airport. Apart from the metal of my armor clinging against the car door, it was absolute dead silent during the whole ride there. The air was filled with dread and everyone refused to look at one another. 

Three helicopters came into view when we arrived at the airport. One was marked with a 'W', another with a 'V' and the last one with a 'H'. I got out of the car to see the trainers, the rest of the generals and my father already standing there. Instead of revealing where the conquest would take place beforehand, they had thought it was nicer to let it be a surprise for everyone. The only hint they gave us, was that it was going to take place in the middle of a big city, where multiple blocks would be cleared out and blocked off from the rest of the world.

Drones, cameras and microphones would be hidden everywhere, along with weapons who could be picked up by literally everyone, even the human fighters who had starting weapons as well. The conquest would go on until one fighter was left alive, so no one knew how long it would take. Granted the area they had blocked off was big, it could take days if not weeks. 

All fighters from the same race would be dropped off together in the same spot, away from the others. Then the battle would begin, not just against each other, but against starvation and thirst as well. Survival skills were necessary to gather supplies, because no one would be able to help you in there. It was going to come down to every individual fighter themselves. 

Every fighter had to have one last conversation with their trainer, so I walked over to Foxglove, who was talking to the pr woman.

"Ah Sunshine, there you are." He greeted me way too happily.

"What is it?" I frowned.

The pr woman took it as her cue to talk and lowered her voice into a whisper, handing me a black, leather, double back holster which suited the rest of my armor perfectly. "Since you didn't pick a weapon, we have placed two delicate swords into the only green building in the area. We need you to pick those up and place them in the holster on your back for media purposes."

"I already picked a weapon." I stated annoyed. "Besides, what are 'delicate swords'?"

"Some smaller, more feminine swords." She said hesitantly.

I raised my eyebrows. "Please tell me, in what universe have I given off the impression that I want delicate swords? Have I not made myself clear last time?"

"I- It will look better on camera miss." She stuttered and I glared at Foxglove, who shot me a small smile.

"Pay close attention to what I'm saying, okay? You and your pathetic little pr-stunts can burn in oblivion for all I care." I said blankly, before turning my attention to Foxglove. "Now Nuin, do you have anything remotely interesting to say or are you just going to waste my time like everyone else? I would like to say goodbye to my dad."

He stayed silent, searching for words and I sighed, attempting to walk away.

"Wait!" He called out from behind me, grabbing my arm and turning me around. His heartrate quickened and he cleared his throat while giving me a faint grin. "Just, don't die, Sunshine."

"Wasn't planning on it." I mumbled while going over to my father.

This was the moment I dreaded most of all and a lump formed in my throat as soon as my sight fell upon him. He had dark circles under his eyes and his hair was a mess. My father didn't deserve to go through all this, he was just trying to do his job this whole time. 

He pulled me into a tight hug, papahugs as I liked to call them. He wrapped his arms fully around my shoulders and back with a lot of strength, I returned the favor by wrapping my arms around his chest since the man was tall as hell. We both squeezed as hard as we could without suffocating one another. In that moment, the rest of the world disappeared and it was just the two of us. It felt safe, secure, and for a quick second the weight on my shoulders lifted and I could just feel like a daughter again. Breaking off the hug, his hands remained firmly on my shoulders as tears dwelled up in his eyes. 

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