29. Earth

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"Are you okay, Buttercup?" Valerio asked worriedly, cupping my face with his hand.

"Yeah, I'm fine. It was just a thought." I said blankly in an attempt to brush it off.

He cocked his eyebrow. "About whom?"

"That's none of your business, puppy." I shrugged, walking past him to my door which wasn't a great plan since our rooms were connected.

"Yeah, no, we're not going to do this again." He grabbed my arm and pulled me into my room, closing the door behind him. "Knee me in the groin again for all I care, but you're going to tell me what's going on. Ever since I laid eyes on you this morning, I could tell something's off about you."

"You think something's off about me? Why?" I asked, genuinely curious about what he had to say.

"I can tell you've barely eaten the past week, I noticed you scurried past anything with a reflection ever since you came back and there's just something about you that feels troubled, burdened in a sense, as if you carry something heavy or dark with you. Your father agrees. Anything I missed?" He said firmly.

Yeah, the mirror thing had worked for a couple of days but it had worn off.

"You talked to my dad?" I raised my eyebrows, crossing my arms and getting annoyed.

"Yes, I did. We had a great conversation." He stated as if it was completely normal for him to casually talk about me with my father.

"What gives you the right?" I didn't bother to hide the anger in my voice.

He stepped closer to me, narrowing his eyes and lowering his voice. "You know what gives me the right."

"Oh please." I scoffed. "Don't go playing that card right now, we talked about that back in your kingdom and if I remember correctly we agreed not to give a fuck about it."

"Whatever's going on, it's consuming you, Buttercup. You can trust me you know, please let it out. If not to me, at least to your father." His tone softened as did the emotion in his eyes.

"Forgive me for not trusting anyone because there's an active murder investigation going on and because apparently, everyone has a second motive around here." I retorted. "You should crawl back through that hole in the bathroom and worry about actual important things, like tomorrow's choosing ceremony."

"Fine, whatever floats your boat, Buttercup." He sighed in defeat, making his way over to the bathroom. He stopped before he walked into it and turned around, looking rather angry. "By the way, I was focusing on what's important. I know you think keeping it to yourself is not only going to protect you, but everyone else as well. But the truth is, the only thing it will do is destroy both. You'll survive, everyone else however, probably won't."

I stood there speechless, watching him disappear to his own room, cursing the mate bond and myself for letting him get to know me like that.

Because deep down, I knew he was absolutely right.

With that in mind, I grabbed a notebook and sat down on my bed. I was going to journal, write my thoughts and feelings down on paper to clear my mind. I needed to, especially after my recent discovery, in order to have room in there to figure out the prophecy.

I scribbled down stuff all night long in the same incomprehensible way as my father, starting off with the feelings I felt for myself. How I was slowly getting scared of my own strength and powers, constantly fighting them, and how I was getting more brutal even though I didn't think that was possible. I knew it played a huge part in why I was starting to feel like I was losing control over my powers, it was a mental issue.

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