18. Freak

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After a very relaxed night of sleep, with lots of dreams during which I tried to figure out the prophecy but failed miserably, I found myself sitting at the kitchen island, poking into yet another pancake made by a shirtless Valerio. Instead of stacking me a whole tower, he made me one this time. 

"Hurry up, Buttercup. We have a training to go to." He said with a smirk.

I quickly stuffed it into my mouth, chewing reluctantly and gulped it down with water. I followed him to the door, reaching out to open it.

He placed his hand on the door, keeping it shut, and looked at me blankly. "They will go all out on you, would be a shame if I had to call an ambulance today."

It's like he completely forgot I kicked not only Azim's ass, but his in the palace as well.

I placed my hand on my heart with a sweet smile. "Awww, if only you actually cared." 

He opened the door, rolled his eyes and groaned. "Let's go."

After a walk over a cobbled path, I found myself standing alone on a small hill overlooking the plain field where they trained daily. The pack members who were fit to train had gathered and stood in their human forms around Roman and Valerio, the latter who had asked me to wait until he signaled me to come down, something to do with discussing the training. I watched as Roman gave them group numbers to divide them into their groups later after I was done training. Unlike in the human kingdom, everyone was trained here, not just the men, although they were the only ones to receive the number of the most skilled and strongest group, group one.

Valerio, not knowing I could hear him, explained he would observe them during training, which would happen in wolf form today without any additional weapons, and that I would train with them, obviously in human form. He told them they could volunteer to fight me and if they did, to hold nothing back. A couple of wolves, including Isaac, protested, saying it was unfair for me to not be able to defend myself with any weapons against full on wolves, Roman and Beren agreed, despite partially knowing what I was capable of.

Azim disagreed of course, not stating a particular reason to the other wolves who looked at him strangely. Valerio sighed impatiently, looking like he mind-linked Roman about something, who chuckled.

"Right." He said, recollecting himself. "We'll leave it up to a vote since you're the ones who will most likely fight her. Put your hand up if you think she should have a weapon to defend herself, leave it down if you think otherwise."

Most people put their hand up, creating a vast majority. Narcissa Tempest and Azim kept them down and a smile crept upon my lips.

This was going to be fun.

Beren ran off to get something and Valerio ran over to me in his shorts. I stepped foot onto the field, which was a large area of trampled grass, and immediately felt a tingling power rush again. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw the marked man watching me, I turned my head to him, shooting him an enraged glare, and he immediately disappeared. However, the power rush stayed, meaning it didn't depend on him to work.

When we arrived at the group, some people smiled, some nodded, some glared and some stared at me blankly, the usual reactions. I suddenly became aware that my shoe lace had come undone, something that never happens to me during training. I mentally scolded the marked man in my head and crouched down to tie it again. As I grabbed the shoe lace, my hand hovered over the grass, and it followed the movement of my hand, obeying it.

There was no way in hell that was real, must have been the wind.

I quickly tied up my shoe lace, hiding my confusion, and stood up, letting out a sigh of relief when I noticed everyone was worshipping Valerio. Beren came back with a weapon folded in a cloth and handed it to me. I slowly removed the cloth, revealing a large silver sword. Everyone around me immediately took a couple steps back when I balanced the sword on my hand. It was perfectly balanced and it felt ancient, like many battles have been fought and won using it. It didn't hold the same power or craftsmanship as my Seregsword, but it mesmerized me a little.

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