28. Back in the land of the living

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"No, no, no, no! Guards, contain the new members until Mr. and Miss. Ashford have left the room!" Haimon exclaimed worriedly.

The guards immediately took action and grabbed the vampires who surrounded me. My father and I were escorted out of the room to our chambers by Luke. We sat down in my room and I changed into my pj's in the bathroom.

"Can we please get out of this hell hole as soon as possible?" I asked my father, letting myself fall onto the bed.

"Just two more days, kiddo. We're probably not going to be allowed to leave the palace anymore anyway." He said trying to reassure me with a smile. "How about we watch some Indiana Jones tonight huh?"

"Good plan." I mumbled.

He got up and went over to his room to grab his DVDs. A couple minutes later, he came back with a big smile on his face. We sat down on two comfortable chairs and he started the first movie. The only thing missing was the popcorn.

"God, I miss Mr. Anders." I sighed, making him chuckle.

Saturday we stayed in the castle all day long while my father wrapped up the vampire part of the investigation. At last on Sunday morning, it was time to head back to the human kingdom. My father and I had packed our luggage the night before, which was a first for the both of us. We really couldn't wait to get out of here.

The limousine brought us to the elevator one last time. Haimon and Kenzo escorted us up and led us to the jet above ground. My father said his goodbyes, which were useless as we would see them again tomorrow for the choosing ceremony, and waited for me near the stairs. I nodded to Kenzo, narrowed my eyes at Haimon and said my goodbyes as well.

I plopped down in a seat across my father and the second the plane was in the air, I cleared my throat, catching his attention.

He raised his eyebrow and looked up to me from the magazine he was reading. "Yes?"

I leaned back in my chair, resting my head on my hand, trying to act casual. "Soooooo, now that you've wrapped up your investigation in both kingdoms, are we Team Jacob or Team Edward?"

He rolled his eyes. "I still have to wrap it up and I'm not going to tell you the conclusion."

"Fine, ignoring your inner investigator, what do you personally think?" I narrowed my eyes. "You must think something."

"What do you think?" He asked me in return. "You have great intuition."

I shook my head and smiled. "I see. Trying to distract me from my question with a compliment and another question. Good tactic."

He chuckled and I continued. "From what I've seen, the sneaky way the murder was carried out seems out of style for the werewolves, but the brutality of it does match theirs. The sneaking around is definitely something the vampires do, but they certainly lack the skill or technique to murder someone in that particular way. Both kingdoms certainly hate and suspect each other, so the option of them framing one another could definitely be a reality, although it seems more like a vampire thing to do. Obviously, I haven't had a look at the evidence you found during our weeks abroad, so this is just my observation and something you already know."

To be honest, at this point I doubted whether any of them had done it. The possibility of the masked man actually murdering them moved through my mind, he was still a strange factor in this whole situation. Next time I would see him, I had to get more information out of him.

"Good observation." My father stated casually, turning his gaze back to his magazine.

I raised my eyebrows. "That's it? You're not going to give me the tiniest hint?"

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