40. Time to put an end to this shitshow

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The tension cut through the air like a knife as the three of us looked at one another. Valerio and I locked eyes. Deep down we knew it would end like this, the two of us having to fight each other in the end. Haimon being there was a bit of a surprise, but not completely unexpected. Fury radiated from them, directed at one another for simply existing and at me for killing their men. Although Valerio's probably was a little more personal than that.

"Did you have to do that?!" Haimon yelled angrily, pointing at V2's remains.

"Yes." I stated, snapping my gaze to him and putting my axes away.

"Let's get this over with." Valerio growled as he took a step forward and cracked his neck.

Haimon raised his arms and sighed. "What's the point? She's the One. The prophecy has come true. We're nothing more than pigs waiting to be slaughtered."

"Are you serious? This is what you want your legacy to be like? You want to be remembered as a quitter? Real kings don't quit on their kingdoms." I spat out and shook my head. "Let me make things easier for you. No weapons and I'll lower my powers to equal your abilities. Now man the fuck up and fight to meet your end like a true king."

It felt weird having to take on these men. I realized I barely knew anything truly personal about them, especially Valerio, even though I was confronted with them for months and had even been in their kingdoms. My father hadn't even revealed the conclusion of the investigation yet, meaning there was a chance that whoever was responsible for it wouldn't get the punishment they deserved.

I had to push the thoughts from my mind as Haimon swung his arm towards me. It appeared I had riled him up. I caught his fist and twisted his arm into an unnatural angle, hearing a loud crack. I headbutted him, breaking his nose, and he fell onto the ground.

Kicking him away, my guard was let down for a slight moment which Valerio took opportunity of. He grabbed my shoulder and launched me through one of the remaining intact buildings. The unstable structure gave in and collapsed on top of me. 

Big chunks of stone and concrete came crashing down, covering me in darkness. Most parts of my body got smashed and instantly healed over and over again until nothing remained standing. I couldn't move or see anything and let out a groan.

This whole facade for the sake of entertainment was complete and utter bullshit. Not to mention the fact that I just allowed myself to get slammed into a fucking building. It caused my blood to boil. It was time to put an end to this shitshow once and for all.

The rubble started trembling as my fury rose within me, revealing a bright purple light reflecting on the stone in front of my face. The chunks blasted away from me with a massive force of air originating from within me. As the dust settled I got up, revealing Valerio standing partly shifted with his claws and canines out on the other side of what once was the square.

"What's it going to be, puppy? Are you going to continue to bark or are you finally going to bite?"

Valerio let out a frustrated roar, but before he could do anything Haimon shifted into his dark form and ran to me with his vampire speed. Out speeding him by a mile, I caught him by the throat and casually yeeted him away to a far corner.

"Nice try!" I smiled after him.

Valerio tackled me from the side, causing us to roll over the debris. He eventually ended up on top, pinning me under his body weight, landing multiple hits on my face. He smashed the back of my head against a piece of concrete beneath me, causing the concrete to break. I kicked him off me and as I stood up he shifted fully into his wolf.

On our way to get another round in we both came to a halt when something soared through the air. I let out a gasp as it ripped through my skin and organs. My gaze dropped to my stomach where a metal bar was sticking out completely covered in blood and pieces of viscera. I looked over my shoulder, the bar had impaled me from behind and appeared to have been thrown by Haimon. I expected to collapse then and there, but nothing happened. 

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