49. Vampires on steroids

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Golden houses flashed by the window, until they eventually disappeared and the darkness of yet another tunnel took over. The past week we've driven through half of the clans and now we were on our way to the next one. Whatever was waiting there, wasn't going to be a surprise. The clans were practically cloned from the royal one. They had the same fancy golden set up, except for the palace of course. The only things that varied were the difference between drinking animal and human blood and the rocky walls of the lairs, in every clan they were painted to represent a different climate.

The people on the other hand, seemed to live the same lives everywhere, or rather, the life that was decided for them. I read about it in the King's journals and apparently it was true. When a vampire was turned or reached adulthood, equal to twenty one years as a human, their jobs and lives were chosen for them based on their bloodline, which again, weren't up to them. Because when they came of age, it was also decided who was allowed to have children and who wasn't. If someone was allowed to have children, the amount and the partner they had to make them with were chosen for them as well. That was only to strengthen the bloodline, so they were free to date other people. Monogamy was rare in this kingdom.

The measures were taken as a means of population control, as they could only have so many lairs before crossing into other territories, but the whole thing seemed kind of cruel. Especially, since vampires who didn't abide by the life that was chosen for them were killed, and so were children who weren't allowed to be born. However, the people abided to it, some out of fear, but most out of habit. Royals didn't have to stick to the rules, which explained why Haimon was alone, although eventually he did have to choose someone who could strengthen his bloodline like his father did before him.

What a happy marriage that was, particularly during dinners.

Yes, I heard that conversation. I could hear everything. In that moment I even pitied him, because even though he was an absolute idiot and I had the urge to kill him most of the time, he was the victim of his upbringing and surroundings, something he didn't have the power to fight back against, so he couldn't really be blamed for not doing it. He constantly reeked of anxiety and I might as well give him two weeks of rest to see if he was actually good for something and had the ability to be less annoying before possibly wiping his kingdom from existence.

Kenzo and Drew were currently training the new clan leaders as some of them had no ruling experience. Zuri and Liam were two of them, who were probably two of the only vampires capable of doing the job, although the training might've been in vain.

The choice was a tricky one. Not to mention that Earth wanted me to make it as well on top of the generals, which caused me to have an aversion against the whole thing. Being told what to do and obeying it wasn't something I did. But in this case I had to make a choice anyway, otherwise the generals or one of their loyal men would simply press a button and randomly wipe one out from some hidden bunker and I wasn't going to let those incompetent fucks decide anything.

Which was why figuring out the investigation was incredibly important. I knew that Mr. Scaevitas didn't have the capacity to figure it out, besides I didn't trust anyone with it but myself. The stakes were at an all-time high and there was no room for mistakes anymore. I had to figure it out, and I had to do it correctly and quickly, which meant opening my father's casefile. For some reason, I couldn't. The only thing I could do was stare at it.

Such a weak little bitch.

I rolled my eyes while thinking about it. What was so difficult about it? I just had to man the fuck up and open it, because time was running out. But trying to open that file was even harder than trying to eat, sleep or shower. It was impossible. 

It frustrated me to the core. I couldn't fail anew. Only two times had I failed in my life, only two time had I truly been weak and the consequences were unimaginable. Never again.

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