47. You've got to be kidding me

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My legs were dangling over the armrest while I sat lazily on the throne, folding and unfolding my fist continuously, summoning a flame every single time, ignoring the blood on my skin and clothes. I looked at it with a big smile and my laughter echoed through the room. It didn't take much to entertain a woman, just a little fire and torture would do.

The whole week I had been arranging plans in order to improve life in the kingdom. From completely changing the tax system to decrease the wealth gap, giving orders to build more houses and creating more job opportunities, to enacting stricter gun laws, improving the quality of the army and guards to increase protection and decrease criminality, and creating more equality between genders and ethnicities in all fields.

It was fun to be able to create laws without needing anyone's, especially the generals' permission. Seeing their expressions drop more and more every time I introduced a new plan or law was very satisfying. Mr. Anders helped me select the most important issues and I appointed him with the task to oversee that everything was executed the way I wanted it to while I was away on Royal Tour.

However, before I would go on Royal Tour tomorrow, I had an extremely thrilling way to end my week. What could be more exciting than annoying the generals? Well, that would be sentencing criminals.

So far I had sentenced fifty-two criminals in the last two days. Now they were no light offenders, I was talking serial killers, rapists, child molesters, abusers and other serious criminals who had done things normal people wouldn't even be able to imagine in their worst nightmares.

Studying their files earlier this week was sickening at most points. There was a famous phrase that everyone deserved second chances, well these abominations didn't. They came in all shapes and sizes, but I wasn't one to discriminate.

Dicks were cut off, vaginas were burned shut, hands and other limbs were removed, including heads from time to time. I made some permanently relive their worst nightmares, trapping them in their own minds, driving them mad while I just burned a handful of other souls. One woman got stuffed completely with dirt, while I set one man on fire. I commanded some hungry rats to eat their way through a person and ordered some horses to dismember another one. The punishment suited the crime and the severity of it.

I thought about simply killing them all, but for some crimes that punishment would be too easy and quick. No, I wanted them to suffer, and suffer they would, because whoever was unlucky enough to survive I imprisoned for life afterwards. In a concrete two by two cell without any windows, under 24/7 surveillance to make sure they couldn't kill themselves. Once they stepped foot into that cell, the only way out was in a body bag after living a long and dreadful life.

They dug their own graves, now they could lie in it.

There was only one left for today, David Jones. Apparently he was a distant cousin of Hemlock. I had never come across a file that gruesome, and I had seen a lot by now. This man was a monster in the flesh. Not only did he go after children, he went after their mothers afterwards. The things he did to them were indescribable.

Two guards brought him before me and I brought him onto his knees and locked him there by simply thinking about it. My eyes roamed over him, his stained orange jumpsuit, his unkept hair and beard, and his chained hands and feet. I wasn't one who liked to judge people's faces or bodies in a negative way, but he was going to be an exception. He was one ugly son of a bitch, inside and out.

Sweat dripped from his face onto his jumpsuit and his eyes were widened in fear as his gaze switched between me and the pile of bodies in the container placed in the corner of the room. Pondering about what to do with him, a malicious grin appeared on my face and I swung my legs off the armrest to place my feet on the ground. My eyes locked onto his while I slowly descended the stairs and the blood drained from his face. Everyone was focused on me, waiting for me to deliver the final punishment.

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