52. Xbox versus PlayStation

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The plane flew through the dark, clear sky as it made its way back to the human kingdom. The stars had disappeared a while ago and remained absent every night since then. They seemed to know that darkness had fallen upon the world, and something unavoidable was coming. Whatever it was, they didn't want to witness it.

Honestly, I wished I could just disappear like them. The whole thing exhausted and annoyed me. But I had a case to solve, murderers to kill, kingdoms to destroy and something worse to fight afterwards. Quite the to-do list if you asked me, and if I didn't execute it, the shitshow would go on and on.

After several hours the sun rose again, but even though summer was approaching and the days were getting longer, the light seemed to fade. The sky was slowly turning into the color of ashes and tears. My own reflection stared back at me in the window with those purple eyes, pupils shaped like swords. My gaze lingered on them for a mere moment, before piercing through them, letting them fade away as I focused on the grim, dull human kingdom that became larger and larger the closer we were to landing. 

Liam followed my gaze, furrowed his eyebrows and mumbled. "What is happening to the world?"

Yes, I took Liam with me. He still had his ring, unlike the other vampires, and it still worked, unlike the ones the others were secretly hiding. Without them realizing, I had disabled them with my powers before I left which was going to be a nice surprise for the first vampire to step into the sun.

The generals weren't going to like me bringing a vampire back into the kingdom, and neither were the werewolves, because I was going to take him to their kingdom as well. Did I care about that? Hell no. No one, no being or law was going to tell me what to do. Why go through all the trouble? To reunite him with Beren, of course. 


He bowed his head and shook it, sinking deeper into his seat. "Will it ever end?"

"Yes. By setting the world on fire." I said flatly, folding my hands and letting them rest on my stomach.

His head shot up and his eyes widened, the color draining out of his face completely.

My lips formed into a smile. "I'm joking, of course."

I wasn't. One way or another, whether it was now or later, this world was going to be covered in  death, ruin and fire. 

"Are you? I suppose it doesn't really matter. You'll survive either way." He concluded.

"You're quite right about that, Liam. But my father's death taught me one thing. I'm afraid I'm doomed to walk this earth alone, outliving every other life form, surviving even after the sun inflicts its final judgement and blows it up into a billion pieces. No matter what happens, in the end I'm simply destined to bury those around me."

"What a lonely view of life." He looked at me with the slightest hint of pity, while sadness rushed through him.

"Don't be so quick to judge. You're not the one that has to do what I was created for." I raised an eyebrow, warning him not to go there.

"And what is that?" He wondered, raising his eyebrows.

Turning my gaze towards the window, seeing that we were landing, I let out a sigh. "Now that, that is a weight I have to carry by myself."

The wheels of the plane made contact with the ground and not long after they came to a stop. Foxglove was leaning casually against the black SUV while I got out of the plane, holding on to my handbag. He shot me a smile, which turned into a glare when Liam emerged from the opening behind me.

The car ride was a quiet one. I could tell Foxglove was furious for bringing a vampire into the kingdom without notifying them, but he kept quiet after I gave him a warning look through the rearview-mirror. Liam was tense and sat up straight, clutching his thighs firmly with his hands, staring straight ahead of him.

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