55. This ain't build-a-bitch

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Resting my head against my folded hands, a frustrated breath left my nose as I stared ahead at what was in front of me. My handbag was placed on the desk, waiting to be zipped open. A task so simple, yet it appeared to be the hardest thing I ever had to do in my life. Why? Because even after everything I learned yesterday, even when there was so much at stake, even now when I felt incredibly angry, I still couldn't bring myself to do it.

That fucking casefile, it was a reminder of everything that happened. It was the last thing my father had worked on, and just like before I couldn't open it. It was too personal and that excuse was so stupid, I was such a joke and I hated myself for it. After everything I faced up until now, this is where I chickened out? Really?

Still a weak little bitch.

I had looked at this thing the whole night, the whole fucking night. With every passing second I became more enraged, at myself and at the world. Slapping my hands against my face, I let out a loud groan. I needed to go outside right away or else I was going to burn this whole building down.

Ignoring Valerio on the way, I stormed outside. Pacing swiftly back and forth in front of the house, a crowd of drama loving people gathered with Narcissa front and center. She was finally up and running again, along with her mother who had new scars in her face. Isaac, Erryn, Jacob and Tate came jogging towards the scene as well, followed by Roman and Azim. Half the town had abandoned whatever they were doing to come and watch.

What was it with this pack and forming crowds?

The door behind me was hurled open, and out came the alpha king. Roman and Azim walked over to him and so the whispers began. Meanwhile, footsteps made of fire were left wherever I walked.

"What do we do?" Azim wondered, reeking of anxiety.

"Nothing." Both Valerio and Roman spoke at the same time, frowning and completely in sync.

"We have to do something!" He retorted, practically yelling.

Valerio rolled his eyes, motioning towards me. "By all means, go ahead and try to stop her."

Gulping, his voice stammered. "Y-You know what? I'm good."

The two others shook their heads and gave each other a look. They remained quiet along with most of the crowd. Two people however, decided this was the perfect opportunity to spew their hatred into the world.

"Seriously, this is the so called 'queen' we're supposed to follow?" Narcissa's mother mocked, laughing out loud.

"Oh, shut up, will you?" Tate glared annoyed, stepping closer to her.

"Why should we? Look at her, she can't even handle the job." Narcissa pouted, defending her mother while others around her agreed by nodding.

Isaac stepped dangerously close in front of her, unable to contain his rage. "You wouldn't even last a day, you weak lapdog."

The sound of Narcissa's hand slapping Isaac's face followed soon after and with that the beasts were let out of the cage. Those who hadn't gathered before had now joined as well and without hesitating the whole pack shifted into their wolf form and started to fight each other.

Frowning, I stopped pacing and looked to the men behind me. The three of them were baffled, it was safe to say this hadn't happened in the past. The wolves really went all in, blood spattered around, limbs were getting broken. If this continued, they were going to kill one another over me.

Now that was just dumb.

For the first time ever, Valerio commanding them to stop didn't do a damn thing, his voice not being able to be heard over the noise of the fight. Annoyed, I rolled my eyes. I went outside to get rid of my anger and not for irritating people to make it worse. Oh well, this was one way to use it.

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