33. It's Iola, not Lola

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My eyes shot open and I summoned my Seregsword, kicking the figure whose hands had nudged my shoulders off my bed and down on the floor. I threw myself at it aggressively, letting out a loud battle cry, and pressed my sword against its neck, determined to kill it. I wasn't going to get killed again. Its skin sizzled under the pressure of the sword as I pushed harder and it raised its hands in defeat.

"Buttercup, it's me." A familiar voice said, attempting to sound re-assuring.

Keeping the sword on the man's throat, I looked around the darkness to take in my surroundings with the well-known help of my powers. It appeared I was in my room and I seemed to be fine physically, apart from the fact sweat was dripping off me like a waterfall and I was breathing as if I was in the worst shape of my life. Realization hit me when I heard a groan, my eyes widened and I immediately dismissed my sword.

Valerio threw me off him immediately and I landed against my desk with a thud. He got back on his feet and rubbed his neck, the sword had left a nasty burn.

He pointed to me, fuming in anger. "What the fuck was that?!"

"A nightmare." I sighed as I got up.

Pretty safe to say I wasn't going to sleep again tonight.

"No, no. That was something worse, I've never seen anything like it." He shook his head while pacing back and forth. "How often does it happen?"

"Every night." I awkwardly admitted.

"You're casually having these things and told no one about it?" He raised his eyebrows.

"Thing. It's the same recurring nightmare. Every. Damn. Night." I sighed and sat down on my bed again. "And yes, pretty much. I'm not going to trouble my dad with it and who else could I tell?"

He sat down on the edge of my bed. "You could've told me, you know."

"What good would that have done? Besides I'm not entirely sure I can fully trust you, puppy." I said, deciding I might as well be brutally honest now that we both had to participate in the conquest.

"Why? Have I given you any reason not to trust me?" He looked at me with a hurt expression and it was real.

"Well I mean, there's the chance that you murdered the king and queen and the fact you seem to like ripping people's heads off, not only in front of me, but behind my back as well." I blurted out.

He chuckled. "I suppose those are some fair points. In my defense, I only rip necessary heads off and it's not my fault if you see it while you sneak around. As for the murder, do you truly believe I would do that, Buttercup?"

The man had a strong defense.

Personally, I didn't think the werewolves had committed the murder, but that could be the mate bond talking without me being aware of it.

"Innocent till proven guilty I suppose." I mumbled, getting lost in thoughts about my nightmare again.

Rarely in all those nights since I broke into to the blood farm, did I have a night without that nightmare. It was the exact same each time, yet whenever I was in it I couldn't remember what was happening. Night after night, I lost, each time becoming more fearful of myself.

Valerio's eyes searched for mine worriedly. "What's going on in that head of yours, Buttercup?"

"There's a monster in there." My eyes didn't meet his, instead they stayed glued to the wall in front of me where I could catch a small glimpse at my bloodied reflection in a small vanity mirror on my desk.

He followed my gaze, stood up, went over to the desk, and grabbed the vanity mirror. He walked over to the balcony doors, opened them and threw the mirror outside over the balcony.

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