16. Big fat liar

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After taking a while to think about my question, he raised his eyebrow. "Probably just as little as you. Who told you?"

I couldn't exactly tell him the marked man told me in some fucked up dream I just had in his plane, so I went with the next best thing. "Some crazy Elderling."

"How? You haven't been out of the castle in a while." He asked confused.

"Fan mail." I shrugged.

They did sent me fan mail in the past when they found out where I lived, so it wasn't a full lie. I even got some presents, fake crowns, cloaks and that kind of stuff, but also death threats. My father burned it all, as he should.

He tilted his head. "You get fan mail?"

"You don't?" I frowned, making him scowl.

Safe to say, he didn't get it.

"Let's stay on topic, Buttercup." He said blankly, blinking a couple of times. "Foxglove told me about the prophecy during one of our earlier conversations, when one of the guards warned him about crazy Elderings gathering in front of the gates to worship you."

I guess I missed that gathering. Shame, would have been interesting to see. The Elderlings might've been crazy, but they were also slightly entertaining, if they didn't ask you to touch their hands that was. I didn't understand why they worshipped me of all people though, the prophecy and I had little to nothing in common. I wasn't some battle god, at least not yet, and I was pretty sure I wasn't cold and ruthless either. What I did was however, was fucking confused.

"How much does he know?" I wondered.

"Not much, he doesn't even know the full prophecy, neither do I." He shrugged. "Not that it matters, it's just a bunch of cryptic bullshit anyway."

"Yeah, probably." I mumbled, running a hand through my hair. I wondered which part of the prophecy he knew, but stopped myself from asking because it might give away too much. 

He crossed his arms, narrowing his eyes. "You know the full thing, don't you?"

"No, I don't." I stated seriously, not an ounce of hesitation in my voice. "Why do you think I'm so worried about it? I can't figure it out if I only know a part of it." 

"That's what you're so worried about? Some fake little prophecy? It's not that big of a deal." He cocked his head, looking rather smugly.

"Easy for you to say since it's not about you, you fleabag." I snapped.

He stepped forward and dragged me up by my arm, pinning me against the wall and locking me between his arms. "Watch your tone buttercup, it was fun while it lasted but I'm done being nice." He growled deeply, the extremely hazardous, cold tone in his voice making me shudder a little. It was the tone of a killer, he was dead serious.

I needed a way out of this conversation, after the dream I had I didn't have the energy to keep it up. I wondered about whether kneeing him in the groin for a third time would be the charm, but refrained from it when I remembered we were on his plane, and he would definitely throw me off if I did that. So I did the only thing that would solve the two problems of this conversation and my emotions being so high without violence.

I bawled my eyes out.

I started crying and continued to do so until my whole face was soaked in tears. He quickly stepped back, his eyes widening and the smallest hint of panic rushed through his body. I hid my amusement, he had no idea how to handle the situation since he usually didn't deal with the sad emotions of people. He just killed or tortured them, but consoling them? He had no idea how to properly do that.

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