17. Mingle

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Not long after telling Valerio I would find the room myself, I wandered up the stairs to the second floor. I was a bit surprised to only see two doors there, straight across from one another. The actual guest rooms had to be on the third floor, making me wonder why I hadn't gotten a room there.

I stood between the two doors, switching my gaze from left to right. I had to guess which room was his and which one was mine. I opened the door to my left and looked around, the room was huge with a king sized bed and accompanied bathroom. It was styled the same way as the rest of the house, except there was a lack of decorations. I made my way over to the other room, which was almost exactly the same, only with more colorful decorations. Valerio's nice cologne could be smelled in both rooms, but I decided this room was meant for me. He didn't seem like the type who liked decorations.

My luggage was placed in the hallway so I grabbed it and placed it in my room. Searching through my clothes I groaned as I realized I'd forgotten to pack my pj's. I put on one of my t-shirts, leaving my underwear exposed, brushed my teeth in the bathroom and went to bed.

When I woke up a couple hours later, I had slept surprisingly well but I was still tired because of the short night of sleep. I sat up, hoping I had chosen the right room, otherwise Valerio would be pissed, and hopped out of bed. I quickly showered and put on a comfy pair of black sweatpants, matching it with a cropped black hoodie and black sneakers. 

I walked downstairs to the kitchen to grab a glass of water, only to see Valerio standing next to the kitchen island making,


I cocked my head confused. Why was the big bad alpha baking pancakes? At 7 am on a Monday? With his work attire, otherwise known as a blouse and trousers, on? I could only come to two conclusions, either he loved pancakes for breakfast or, he felt guilty.

"Your father left a note for you." He said with his back turned to me, clearly noticing my presence.

I walked over to the island and grabbed the yellow post-it.

'Hey kiddo,
I'm off early to work on the investigation, I need to do it alone so I won't need your protection.
Instead, I want you to have fun this week!
Go mingle and make some friends!


I rolled my eyes, pretending to be annoyed by him leaving me alone. My father saying he wanted me to mingle and make some friends was actually him telling me to gain everyone's trust in order to find out if they were capable of murder. I crumbled it up and threw it in the trash. It made sense he didn't need my protection, if he got murdered for investigating the case in either kingdom it would reveal who did it.

"Not liking the instructions he gave you?" Valerio chuckled, he had clearly read it.

"Aren't you supposed to be working instead of baking pancakes?" I asked while searching the cupboards for glasses.

He tapped on the one above me right next to him and I opened it, grabbing a glass. I filled it with water and gulped it down, ready to walk out of there when he stopped me.

"I'm the king, I work when I want to. Now sit." He commanded, motioning to the bar stools next to the island.

Letting out a deep, annoyed sigh I sat down on one of them. He stacked some pancakes on top of another and pushed the plate towards me. 

"Eat." He commanded, turning off the gas and making himself a sandwich.

I stared down at the stack of pancakes in front of me, there were six of them, with syrup dripping off it and strawberries next to it. There was no way I could eat that right now, breakfast and me did not go well together, maybe I could save it for lunch.

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