27. Sucks to be human

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The wrinkles on my forehead became deeper and deeper the longer I stared into the reflective surface ahead of me. Several days had passed and every single morning and night I would force myself to face my reflection in the mirror. Whenever my reflection morphed into the bloody one I refused to look away, not wanting to let it get to me. I would face it like I did with all my demons until I wouldn't feel anything towards it and the reflection returned back to normal. 

It helped for now, the period of my bloody reflection showing up became shorter every time I did it. Wished I could say the same for my nightmare, but unfortunately that wasn't the case. Whenever I closed my eyes and tried to sleep I had the exact same nightmare, which was just fantastic. Add to that the fact I wasn't able to train except for short trainings with my father after his work, combined with me not having stepped foot outside in actual air for five days and I was a disaster in the making.

In fact, I hadn't left the palace since Tuesday. Haimon was desperate to involve me in all his plans to improve society and the human blood donations, practically begging me for my forgiveness. I came to the conclusion that somewhere, very deep down at the absolute bottom, underneath his cocky act was a good man as he was genuinely sorry and full of regret, but that didn't forgive his actions, so my forgiveness wasn't something he was going to get. Besides he shouldn't seek mine, he should seek it from the hundreds of humans whose lives were destroyed by being treated like a worthless blood bag.

My bloodied reflection returned back to normal and I walked over to my closet to get dressed in a white denim skirt and a beige sweater with white sneakers. 

A knock on my door caught my attention and I knew it was my father. He opened the door and peaked his head through the opening. "You ready, kiddo?"

"Hell yeah." I exclaimed, my lips turning into a smile.

Today I was finally taking the elevator upstairs to go to actual nature and I couldn't wait to breathe in some fresh air. The limousine was parked in front of the palace to take me and my father to the elevator. Haimon and Kenzo insisted on coming along for my protection, saying the animals above ground were savages. I doubted it would be much worse than the beings living below ground, but okay.

After a short drive we arrived at the elevator. As we got out of the car, people were cheering on Haimon again and I rolled my eyes. I stepped into the elevator with a dead expression on my face, making my father chuckle. The ride upstairs was awkward as fuck, with Haimon and Kenzo fiddling around nervously.

When we reached the top, the doors opened, revealing the sunlight. Closing my eyes, I let out a deep sigh, how I missed that burning fire ball the last couple of days. I opened one eye to sneakily glance over to Haimon to see if he had accidentally forgotten his daylight ring and burned up to a crisp, which unfortunately wasn't the case.

We walked over to a heavily locked gate in the fence surrounding the doors and the airport. Kenzo grabbed a key out of his pocket, placing it in the lock but refraining from opening it just yet. Haimon turned around and grabbed my arm.

"I have to advise you against going in. We will not accompany you in there, so it's at your own risk." He stated, real concern radiating off him.

"They're just evolved and mutated animals. You're acting like there are dragons in here." I frowned, not really being able to take him seriously.

"Those are up in the mountains." Kenzo blurted out.

I would love to meet some dragons.

I raised my eyebrow at him, not knowing if he meant that, before turning my gaze back to Haimon again. "Right, can I go in now?"

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