6. Big needles and a Wolverine fetish

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I 'slept' the whole car ride. Truth be told, I didn't want to get to know Foxglove better. The man got on my nerves every second of the day and threatened to hit my father the very first night we met after all. He tried waking me up during the ride to talk, but I pretended to be asleep and it was quite relaxing. I had socialized enough for one day. 

The car came to a stop and I kept my eyes closed. When I was little, I used to do it all the time so that my father had to lift me out of the car and put me in bed. Years later he told me he actually knew from the very beginning, but he went along with it anyway because he thought it was cute.

A hand nudged my shoulder and I shifted my body to the other side. "Iola wake up, we need to get out of the car." I didn't budge. He nudged my shoulder again, annoyed this time. 

"Let me sleep, old man." I groaned as I opened my eyes. We were parked in front of the main hall, people outside were uncomfortably shifting on their feet because it was taking so long.

Foxglove pointed to the door. "Out of the car, I need to show you something." Any chivalry and kindness he might have had outside off the palace grounds, had died the second we entered the gate again.

I got out of my side of the car and saw the staff was busy unloading the bags. An old, bald kind looking man in a suit held out his hand and I shook it, hoping he wouldn't fall on his knees.

"Pleasure to meet you Miss Ashford, my name is Mr. Anders and I'm the head of staff in the palace. This lady to my right is Miss. Villin, she will be your personal maid during your stay."

That's right, Foxglove had mentioned something about the staff here, I completely forgot because of the left hallway adventure. The conversation in the throne room re-entered my mind and I wondered when the marked man would appear again.

I turned to Miss. Villin and shook her hand as well. She was an older lady, somewhere in her mid-sixties, her curly hair was short and grey. She seemed kind.

"Let's go, Purple Eyes!" Foxglove yelled from the entrance. 

I shot him a glare before I followed him inside. He walked a couple meters in front of me and motioned me to follow him, we walked past his office where my dad was busy working and we went into the war room. He waited for me to enter and closed the doors behind me. My eyes fell upon the big table, where multiple pictures of the case along with some other papers were spread out. 

"Sit." He pointed to the chair across from his, close to the head chair. It appeared his mood had changed while I was 'asleep' in the car. I didn't like his tone, authoritative and strict. I wasn't one of his warriors, so he shouldn't treat me as such.

A scowl formed on my face and I stood in front the chair for a bit before I finally sat down as well. "What is this?" I said pointing my hands to the stuff on the table.

"Evidence, supernatural evidence to be exact." He said casually.

I raised my eyebrows. "Supernatural evidence? Really? We're still focusing on that story?" 

He ignored me and instead grabbed a picture to hold it up for me. It was the close-up of the circular wounds. He threw it to me and I caught it. 

"Those are fang marks." He nodded to the picture.

"Let me guess, created by vampires." I mockingly recreated fangs next to my mouth with my fingers. 

He glared at me in return. "Well what do you think caused it, and explains the lack of blood at the scene?"

I observed the picture one more time, the marks aligned and were almost perfectly circular. The distance between them could be a couple of front teeth, but it could've been caused by hand as well.

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