14. A kingdom wide broadcast

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He carefully nodded with a fearful expression on his face, but the twinkle in his eyes told a slightly different story. He was either enjoying this or he was, impressed.

Staying extremely close in his personal bubble to make him uncomfortable, I dismissed my Seregsword since the threat seemed gone for now. It disappeared immediately, much to his liking and the corner of his mouth turned slightly upwards. I glared at him full of rage, and he mimicked my expression to tease me. We stared at each other like that for a while, both heavily breathing and covered in sweat, only inches between us, waiting for someone to give up.

I sure as hell wasn't going to. He could kiss my ass.

After what seemed like a lifetime of staring, he finally gave in and spoke up, breaking the silence. "Sooooo are we going to make out or not buttercup?"

"Not today, Satan." I stepped back, raising my eyebrow.

The smug expression disappeared from his face and he walked past me to the middle of the room, scratching his neck uncomfortably. "Well, this has been, uhm, intriguing, never happened before."

I turned around, crossing my arms in amusement, to see he had ripped off a curtain and tied it around the lower part of his body. "What? Chasing a woman around the castle like a lunatic in wolf form, being defeated in a fight or a woman refusing to kiss you? I'm sorry, you're going to have to be a little more clear here."

"The second one, and the third one." He stated reluctantly, rolling his eyes. "It feels wrong."

"There's a first time for anything." I shrugged, before frowning. "Wait, you have chased a woman that way before?"

He didn't say anything. He just smirked, probably thinking that it would make him look badass or something.

I snorted. "You have a chase kink."

"No, I do not." The smirk immediately turned into a scowl and he crossed his arms, stepping closer to me. "We're straying from the topic. No one can know about this little fight of ours and you're not going to say a thing, not if you want for that to remain a secret." He pointed to my Seregbond.

Ah yes, the alpha male ego, never to be harmed.

"Or I could just kill you. Problem solved." I smiled, my mind flicking over the fact I actually should kill him for finding out about the Seregsword.

"What would be the fun in that?" He grinned, leaning closer to my face, eyeing it up and down. "Besides, your body will most likely object against that."

"Didn't stop me a couple of minutes ago." 

He glared at me, not expecting the answer. He couldn't really blame me though. He had blocked it out too, otherwise he wouldn't have been able to throw chunks of stone at me, if that was how it truly worked anyway.

Not wanting to continue this conversation any longer since I wanted to get some more hours of sleep, I turned towards the door and walked away from him. "Goodbye Valerio."

"What about the rubble?" He called out after me.

"Apparently it's my signature." I mumbled.

If the guards kept their mouths shut about Valerio tonight, everyone would think I got crazy episodes at night causing me to throw stuff at the walls by myself, which was just fantastic. I vowed to myself to uphold that tradition whenever I got the chance. 

I turned around a corridor into another hallway, hearing someone jog behind me in order to catch up. A couple seconds later, he was walking beside me again.

"What are you doing?" I sighed, keeping my eyes in front of me. A couple of guards were peaking their heads around the corner. Probably expected one of us to be dead and frankly, so did I. When they saw the both of us walking together, they bolted. 

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