54. Appetite for destruction

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The wind brushed against my skin, making my hair tickle my face, as I sat on the hill, watching the sky turn into duller and darker shades of orange, yellow and red than normal during a sunrise. In those early, abandoned morning hours, when it was still quiet outside as everyone was still asleep, the world actually seemed like a beautiful place. 

But it was the calm before the storm. Soon everybody would rush out and go about their daily lives, trampling the world below their feet, being too caught up in their own lives, actions and industries. It was a sad thing really, how something so pure could be destroyed so casually for beings' own greed. It was basically self-destruction, but even that didn't stop them.

As the lights in the houses turned on one by one and the quiet was slowly disrupted, reality revealed itself again. Disdain, annoyance, hatred, sadness, indifference and a tiny hint of joy filled the air as people got out of their houses, went to work and looked at another. It slowly rippled into my direction as I watched everything from a distance. 

It didn't matter in which kingdom I was, there were few genuinely good people out there in each and every one of them, and the longer I thought about it, the more I realized that many disasters I had read about actually happened because of good people. Genuinely good people were too good for their own good, they either got used or their ideas to change and save the world backfired massively.

Some people might've been useful like the steroid vampires, but I didn't actually need them. Anything they could do, I was capable of as well, if not better. The only reason why I would truly keep them alive was mercy, nothing more.

So I had the overly good people, the bad seeds, the useless ones and the bunch in between who leaned more towards the bad side, of which most were too dumb to think rationally. 

What a party that was.

What did I have to do to have at least one non-stupid, morally grey person in my life? One who balanced both sides. A being you couldn't really hate nor love. Maybe that was me, a chaotic neutral. After all, I wasn't a saint and I didn't want to be, I couldn't be. There was too much to do, too many hard decisions to be made, not to mention that being a perfect saint would be incredibly boring. It wasn't in my nature and I was done fighting it.

Sure, if my eyes hadn't been purple and I was accepted into society as a child, with life rooting for me instead of against me, I might've looked at it differently, but that didn't happen. So whether everyone was dead or alive, I didn't care and I sure as hell wasn't going to devote my life to boost their egos and fortune. They hadn't given a shit about me when I was young and powerless, and I still didn't give a shit about them now. The only thing their new found concern did, was feed my appetite for destruction.

Footsteps that came from the far left of me trampled the grass while I continued to stare ahead of me, resting my elbows on my folded legs. Roman sat down next to me, glancing over to my face, before following my gaze. He stared into the distance as well and we sat in silence for quite a while, although he continued to glance over to me, trying to find the right moment to speak.

"He didn't deserve what happened to him. I'd like to help you avenge him." He finally broke the silence, sounding rather sad.

Cocking my eyebrow, I turned my head to look at him. Now why would he do that? It was kind, but I didn't really need his help to avenge my father. He couldn't solve the case for me, and punishing the murderers was something I was definitely capable of myself. He could also offer it to take the werewolves off the suspect list, but that was a little farfetched. If anything, it heightened my suspicion.

Seeing my confusion, he decided to elaborate. "We aren't responsible for it. You know Valerio would never allow something like that, especially since Mr. Ashford was your father."

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