21. A worthy dance partner

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My father and I performed a routine we made up when I was fourteen years old, consisting out of lots of dance moves and ending with him lifting me in the air. Once the sound of the bridge entered my ears I completely let go, getting so caught up in the music I forgot other people were in the room. Closing my eyes, my hands roamed over my body as I swayed perfectly along with the music. 

When I opened them, people had actually joined us, finally enjoying the party while my father had left the dance floor to observe everyone. My vibe was ruined when a set of hands, not belonging to me, roamed over me as somebody grinded against the back of my body. My elbows immediately found their way into the man's chest, who stumbled back with an 'Oof' leaving his lips. 

Turning around, I noticed it was the alpha who gave me a bad feeling when he introduced himself, Alpha Anwir. The tall, brown haired man in his mid-thirties grabbed my arms, turning me around and pressing my back into his chest. His cheek rubbed against my ear, his beard irritating it as he breathed loudly.

"Don't be so stubborn, baby." He whispered in my ear, making me cringe, especially since I could tell he was completely sober.

"I'm no one's baby," I hissed, stomping my heel into his foot. "My bad."

He cursed, letting me go, giving me the opportunity to turn around, seeing him look at me with rage and lust. Remembering my father's words to try and not cause a scene, I backed away into the crowd towards the side where Valerio and his men were talking to the actual nice alpha, Alpha Bellamy.

When I almost reached them, Anwir yanked me back and groped my breasts and butt, resulting in me smacking him hard in the face, my silver rings sizzling as they burned through his skin. I was so enraged I could end him then and there. The sound of the smack was so loud, it made everyone stop dancing. He touched his cheek, my smack had drawn blood, and he started to shift. A girl shouted that he groped me and he clawed her face, making the DJ play I Knew You Were Trouble by Taylor Swift.

His auburn wolf jumped at me and I dodged it, letting out annoyed groan. I was done with all these goddamn fleabags. Some of his men ran forward to help him, a literal shifted wolf, but when they locked eyes with me they backed away. I kicked off my heels and as my feet touched the cold floor, I closed my eyes, reaching deeply into my inner being, all the way to the permanent trace the powers had left, and my rage fired them right up.

My lips formed into an enraged grin as I opened my eyes, locking them on Anwir, enough warning for my father and Valerio to exchange a worried look.

"ENOUGH." Valerio roared, his voice easily being louder than the music, which immediately stopped. His voice was deep enough to shake your inner core, making everyone flinch and bow on their knees in fear, even the alphas. The power in just his voice had forced Anwir to shift back, causing him to lie naked on the ground.

I awkwardly watched the scene being the only person who was still standing excluding him, even my father was bowing. Was that a real thing? Because if I did it this late it would look even weirder and I was way too angry to do it anyway. My eyes averted to the girl, who was surrounded by people from her pack, deep claw marks were visible in her face covered in blood. Fortunately, she would heal, but way slower since it was inflicted by an alpha, a really unfair alpha which made me even angrier.

Valerio walked over to Anwir and kicked him against the wall. He stood up, still naked, looking rather angry as well.

"She hurt an alpha! That slut should be punished." He yelled, pointing to me. 

"You groped her." Valerio stated annoyed. "Why should she be punished?"

"So what?" He barked out. "According to my pack rules she should be whipped for hurting me outside of battle. Even if that wasn't the case, she should be whipped for those sickening eyes, she's a threat. Grow some balls Valerio."

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