5. Touch the hands

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I sat down on a chair across from them and looked at them questionably. They were both nervous as hell.

"I'm going to tell you a story." My father cleared his throat before he continued. "A long time ago, there was one enormous kingdom, ruled by three kings. Each king came from a different race. One was human, one was a vampire and one was a werewolf. They were equal to one another and all races lived together in harmony. Many years later, the new vampire king attempted a take-over to rule over the kingdom alone because he thought vampires were the superior race. The new werewolf king became enraged, first of all because of the attempt and second of all because he thought werewolves were more superior than vampires, so if there was to be one king, it should be the werewolf king.

A massive war broke out between the vampires and the werewolves. The humans got cast aside, simply because of the fact we were inferior at the time. It forced the humans to develop weapons against both vampires and werewolves in order to defend themselves. The war carried on for decades and millions of lives were lost among the three races, people turned on each other, casting out one another or even slaughtering those who weren't of their own race. New kings rose and fell, and in a last attempt to stop the war one hundred years later, the new kings divided the kingdom into three kingdoms, one for each race. 

Friends and family were separated as the borders were build and it became forbidden to cross. Crossbreeding between the races was forbidden because it created half-bloods and demons who didn't fit in anywhere, since both the vampire and werewolf king only wanted fullbloods in their kingdom. The demons were slain and the half-bloods took refuge in the human kingdom, were they hid for many years until they learned to disguise themselves as humans. 

Each kingdom was led by the king of their respective race. However, in secret it was decided by all three kings that the human king would keep an eye on all the kingdoms, to prevent another war from happening again. Since the human kingdom laid in between the other two, the humans continued to develop their weapons and stationed them at the borders to keep Crosslings at bay. The warriors in the army were trained as skilled hunters to be able to take out any intruders and protect the peace.

The kingdoms became more isolated as time and generations went by, and the common people forgot about the existence of supernatural beings. However, the war had never been truly resolved so the hatred that the vampires and werewolves had for each other endured.

Which is why I believe they are trying to frame each other for the murder of the King and Queen and that is what makes this case so hard. Evidence leads to both of them but there is no way in hell that they would have worked together. One of them wants the throne back, the question is just which one?" My father took a deep breath after throwing it out there in the open.

I stared at them for a while before I burst out in laughter. "Oh man, that was a good one! Not going to lie, you got me to believe Twilight was real there for a second. Now what's the real story?"

They looked at each other, not knowing what to do. I frowned. Were they seriously convinced I was going to believe that?

"That is the real story." Foxglove stated dead serious.

I rolled my eyes and stood up. "Fine, don't tell me then. Can you take me to my house now? I need the rest of my stuff." 

After having barely slept last night, I didn't feel like prying it out of them. I would figure it out eventually. This was going to be a long day and I wanted to get it over with.

"Yeah, sure." He said hesitantly. He looked over to my father, who just held up his hands with a facial expression that said 'I told you so'.

Foxglove was driving while I sat in the passenger seat. He tried to talk to me a couple of times, but I turned up the volume of the radio. I wasn't in a talking mood, so I looked out of the window annoyed.

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