15. The prophecy

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Absolute, full on apocalyptic, batshit crazy son of bitch chaos.

That's what happened.

News outlets and social media exploded, people were running over the streets, accusing others of being supernatural beings and fighting with them. Some were protesting against the conquest, mostly because they didn't want supernatural beings to be able to sit on the throne. Others were hiding in their mom's basement. A special group of people tried to climb the walls, only to fall to their deaths. Another group tried to storm the castle since the supernatural delegations were still there, only to land in jail.

Then there were people who just accepted it and moved on with their lives. Some flat-earthers on the other hand, believed it was a hoax, edited with effects, to bring the hunger games to life, which I had to hand to them, was kind of creative.

And the Elderlings, oh the Elderlings, they rejoiced! Literally dancing on the streets, celebrating they were partly right all along. Now more than ever they believed in the prophecy, dramatically calling for me to touch their hands. 

I had no idea what the prophecy was, practically nobody knew, and those who seemed like they did,  didn't want to tell me. Honestly, I didn't even want to know anymore, it was creeping me out.

It took the generals a couple of days to restore order. First they, Foxglove excluded, threw a hysterical fit, dramatically throwing around papers like mad men, screaming "What are we going to do now?!"

Then like 'right rulers' they beat the uprisings down with force, then they lowered the people's fear by spreading lots of kingdom wide propaganda stating the humans were going to win. Topping it off, the poor little things actually believed them. I guess they had to grasp on to some sort of hope, but it made me feel ashamed I was part of the human race, because anyone with one braincell would know that in the end, the final battle would go down between Haimon and Valerio.

On the other hand, the supernatural kingdom's were apparently looking forward to the conquest, jumping at the opportunity to be able to fight for the throne or to be absolutely destroyed by their own king.

It was Sunday today, meaning applying as a volunteer was possible as of tomorrow. Speaking of tomorrow, it was the day my father and I would fly over to the werewolf kingdom for his first investigative week abroad. I wasn't looking forward to it, because quite frankly, I didn't know what to expect and I had to protect my father from crazy murderers there. The delegations were flying back tonight already and I was looking forward to having one normal night alone.

I hopped out of my father's shower after my training, wrapped my bathrobe around me and walked over to my room. I continued my secret showers every time my father wasn't into his room, he definitely suspected something, but decided he didn't even want to know what was going on this time.

My long, wet hair was hanging over my back and I put in my airpods to listen some music. The past couple of days had stressed me out and I needed to let loose a little. Deciding to have a little dance party in my room, I put on a playlist that would make me feel good, and started dancing while I cleaned some stuff up around my room, swaying my hips casually and roaming my hands over my body as I did so. 

I was a very good dancer, my father had taught me all the classical and more modern styles ever since I was little. It was a good way to let out some stress for the both of us. When I was little I danced a lot, but I was always the only one to, causing people to look at me strangely. So now I didn't dance very often anymore, I usually hid it, only revealing a small part of it when I was in the club where most people just sat. It was something I kept to myself, something I could use to forget everything for a little while and just live in the moment.

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