25. Carrie

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Rage didn't even begin to cover it. I had to get into that building, I had to know what kind of bodies they were burning. It couldn't be vampires, not on this scale, those leeches were immortal. Deep down I knew the answer already and it was confirmed when I let my senses do their thing. Those bodies were human and it wouldn't surprise me if they were completely drained of blood.

Taking one step towards the building, the prickling feeling of the power flew through me and it completely took over. No one was going to stop me from entering that building. The guards in front of it charged at me. I blocked the attempted punch of the first one and cut his throat with my dagger. His blood spilled all over my face, but I didn't care. Grabbing his own throat, he tried to scream as the silver burned his skin, but he couldn't. He fell on the ground choking on his own blood. It wouldn't permanently kill him, but the time it would take to heal it was going to be long and excruciating.

The next guard jumped towards me, trying to attack me in the air. My flat hand made contact with his chest, and the second it did, he was flying through the wall of the building, creating a big hole. The last guard tried to run inside and I threw the dagger right in the middle of his spine. He dropped down to the ground, screaming in agony as he moved his arms behind him in an attempt to remove the dagger, which he obviously couldn't. 

I sat him up onto his knees and twisted the knife in his back. The screams became louder and tears rolled down his cheek.

"You poor little thing." I whispered into his ear while pouting my lips and cutting his throat.

With a light tap on his on the back of his head, he fell face down on the ground. I took out some more vampires, mostly by cutting throats before I kicked open the doors, breaking the hinges and sending them flying through the building. Walking through the opening, a vampire with his fangs out tried to go for my neck, but before he could I flipped the dagger in my hand and sliced them out. His pitiful excuses for fangs clattered on the floor and he covered his mouth with his hands. Blood was dripping out of it as I had accidentally given him a real life Joker mouth.

I grabbed his cheek with one hand, my silver rings sizzling against his skin, and he flinched. "For your sake, I hope that won't leave a scar. Now be a good boy and show me where the humans are."

He nodded and led me through a hallway, passing the security room. A security guard was casually leaning back in his chair with his feet kicked up on a table, listening to loud music as he tried to fix something about the security system. He had no idea what was going on and my eyes fell onto the footage of the security cameras. I frowned confused, in every area I had walked through, the security camera was broken or shut off.

Must have been a power thing.

Moving on, blood dripped from my face and out of my hair onto the ground. At the end of another damned hallway, there was a large metal door guarded by six guards. Obviously, they noticed us and they eyed the trail of blood I had left behind me with every step. Gulping, they froze where they stood, afraid they were going to be next.

Grinning, I widened my eyes for a quick second. "Run."

They bolted past me, a very wise decision. The guard next to me attempted to chuckle.

"Stupid. You needed them to pass the security checks to open the door." He barely managed to get out.

"I'm sorry what did you say? I couldn't really understand you with your mouth all fucked up like that."

His knee cracked when my foot made contact with it, and he lowered himself onto the floor, not being able to stand anymore. I walked over to the large heavy door, grabbed the doorhandle, and turned to him with a petty smile.

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