53. For eternity

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The sun was up and showing off its many rays while the scent of various flowers and trees in full bloom entered my nose. Radiant green, purple and pink colors popped up as far as one could see. Bare foot I walked through the field, letting my hands trail over the flowers. The wind gently let the many drapes of my long, pastel purple, soft shift dress, which was tied at my shoulders, flow behind me, hugging my body. Closing my eyes, I let the wind blow my loose hair to the side and I slightly turned my head into the same direction, taking it all in.

I had no fucking clue where I was, but it sure as hell was nice.

A rustle caused me to open my eyes, catching my attention. Suddenly, a giant black Cane Corso hopped past me through the field like a gazelle. A big smile crept upon my face when I realized who it was. I knew his name all too well, it was Sauron. My eyes followed his direction, causing me to turn around, and it was like time stood still when I realized who he was sitting in front of.

My father.

Tears dwelled up in my eyes, I couldn't help it. There he stood, fully in one piece, smiling and patting Sauron who was unharmed as well. Sauron's tail wagged as he lowered himself on his front paws, ready to play. My father being the man he was, obliged and started to chase him.

They ran in my direction and Sauron sprinted right through me. I looked down at me body confused, I was fully invisible. Again. My father soon followed and he too ran through me. Twisting around, I noticed he had stopped with his back turned to me. He turned his head to the side as if he was ready to look over it, hesitated for a second and then continued to chase after Sauron again.

My lower lip trembled and I closed my eyes, taking in a deep breath. Seeing him up and running hit me like a truck. Man, how I had missed him. Life simply wasn't the same anymore. Everything that was easy once, had become hard when he had left this world. A constant weight on my chest made every action heavy, every day was fucking exhausting.

But as was clear by now, rest wasn't an option.

A shadow fell over my face and I opened my eyes to see that the clouds had taken over the blue sky. Thunder boomed around and lightning cracked it open as darkness had shut out nearly all the light. The wind picked up and howled in every direction. While my hair blew in my face, I looked around bewildered, noticing every flower and tree had died.

The life had been sucked out of everything and Sauron's cries along with my father's screams echoed through the air, but they were nowhere to be found. I narrowed my eyes and let them scan across the area. As painful as it sounded, none of this was real.

Someone was trying to trick me.

Behind me a presence formed and I turned my head to look over my shoulder, summoning fire and water laced with electricity in my hands. 

Facing the presence head on revealed a somewhat mirrored version of myself, but it wasn't me. It felt familiar, but the fully black eyes were completely off. Not to mention the fact the person appeared to be slightly smaller and more buff than me, but they didn't have my powers.

This was Jorden, who apparently could morph into other people in dreams, which explained why he wanted to train me there, but as I clearly told him before, I didn't want him to. So why the fuck was he in my head?

"If you're trying to guilt trip me into working for you, you're not doing a very good job at it. Those tricks haven't worked on me for a while now." Glaring, I blasted the fire and electrified water at him.

It was a full frontal hit and the impact yeeted him into the forest behind him. Feeling the air surrounding me, I braced myself, pushed off against the ground and jumped. I leaped highly through the air, over the trees and landed right before him with a loud bang, causing dirt to fly upwards and the trees to sway. 

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