When I First Talked To You

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Before me stands the most incredible man. The man I have been searching for all my life. Prince Charming! The one man I want but can't have. The little voice in my head screams in my ear.

'Mary! Don't do this! Don't fall in love with him! He's out of your league. You are just a maid. A zero. A nothing! The only thing you can do for him is to be his maid and nothing else. Or, and only if you are lucky, at the most you will be his mistress!'

All these thoughts went through my mind in a split second and my heart bled. 'Why God? Why? Why have You made the only man who could ever touch my heart so untouchable? Why?

In my desperation, I didn't notice that Jace didn't take his eyes off me, even as he spoke to Homer.

Jace: Homer, you may go now.

Homer: Mr. Jace, perhaps it would be better if Jace : HOMER! You know very well that I don't like to repeat myself.

Homer: Yes, sir ! As you wish.

Homer goes, giving me a regretful look. Good Lord! What's waiting for me?

As the door closes behind Homer, Jace goes and sits down on a chair. He sits motionless and just stares ahead of him, which gives me a chance to observe him a little better.

 He sits motionless and just stares ahead of him, which gives me a chance to observe him a little better

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The first thing you notice about him, aside from his gorgeous golden-brown eyes, are his hands. I don't mean his arms, with their steely biceps and strong forearms. I mean his hands, below the wrist. The heels of his palms with the striking blue veins and the long, thin, delicate fingers. Piano fingers! Something tells me he plays the piano. I'm sure he plays the piano. I love the piano. I would give my right hand to see him sit at the piano and play the keys!

Oh, come on, Mary! Don't deceive yourself. You don't want to see his hands playing on the keys. You want to feel them on your body. Admit it and move on. Admit that you want to be in his arms, kissing his full, strawberry lips, running your hand through his soft blond hair, tracing the path of his perfectly sculpted abs with your finger, feeling his shapely hips between your legs!

Admit it and get it over with! A simple finger movement from him is all it takes for you to jump right into his bed! With a slight nod from him, you are ready to break your promise.

I stand in front of him, lost in thought. His voice brings me back from my thoughts.

Jace: What is your name?

Mary: Mary, sir. Mary Morningstar.

Jace: Morningstar, huh? Like the morning star, right? The brightest star in the sky. WYSIWYG!

WYSIWYG? What's that supposed to mean? I look at him confused. He smiles and lights up everything around him!

Jace: What you see is what you get.

The ☀️God And The ⭐️ Maid - Book 1Where stories live. Discover now