Mommy Dearest

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I had heard stories about evil mothers-in-law torturing their daughters-in-law, but I never thought I'd be the main character in such a story. Although I can't say my story is conventional.

First of all, the mother-in-law isn't the groom's biological mother and secondly, she doesn't know that I'm the bride! Imagine what Mariza would do to me if she knew I was the woman Jace loves!

Last night Alexander and Matt stayed late with us. We had dinner together and discussed the big news.

We called Simon and Isabella to tell them and arranged to have lunch together at Alexander and Matt's house today. After they left, Jace took me upstairs, but since we were both mentally and physically exhausted, we quickly fell asleep.

The last few nights that I've slept with Jace, my dreams have changed. They've become more colorful and definitely more vivid. I hadn't dreamed much since my parents died, and when I did, I had nightmares. But not anymore. He came and everything changed. He made my world brighter. He came and brought the light. He became my own personal sun.

I wake up and feel his breath on my skin. He sleeps, his face hidden in the crook of my neck. I keep my eyes closed and stroke his hair.

Mary: Sleep, my Prince. You rest and I'll be here watching over you. I'll protect you even with my own life.

He winces in his sleep and his hand moves under my left breast. I smile because I know what he's up to. He's searching for my heart. He wants to feel my heartbeat. His face moves deeper into my hair and I feel him inhale. He exhales, sighs, and goes back to sleep. I swear I could spend my whole life like this, holding him while he sleeps.

A short time later, Jace begins to move in my arms. He rubs his face against my cleavage before lifting his head and looking at me with a sleepy smile on his lips.

Jace: Good morning, my Angel.

Mary: Good morning, my Prince.

He leans over and gives me the first kiss of the day. My favorite kiss!

I don't want this to sound like blasphemy to the one true God, but when Jace kisses me like this, I feel blessed

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I don't want this to sound like blasphemy to the one true God, but when Jace kisses me like this, I feel blessed. It's like a divine force touching my body and soul. Like I'm touching the wide-open sky. Like I'm being kissed by the sun. My heart races and Jace touches my heartbeat with his hand again.

Jace: I love the way your heart beats when I'm in your arms. It drives me crazy the way your body reacts when I touch you. I love the way your eyes light up when you look at me.

I arch my back and stretch my neck back. His words have awakened my desire for his touch and he comes to meet me. His lips on my skin are like branding irons and his hands on my body are like a cool breeze. He burns me and refreshes me in the same breath. I spread my legs to let him in, but he stops me.

The ☀️God And The ⭐️ Maid - Book 1Where stories live. Discover now